Time for Some Self-Reliance

The anti-NRA zealots are out in force, screaming for yet more regulation of firearms following the murder of 20 young children at a Connecticut elementary school.

When will the public learn that insanity can’t be regulated against, that there are simply not enough police or private security forces to protect us from the lunatics among us?

Connecticut has “some of the toughest” gun control laws in the country. Saying that it’s a federal problem makes me extremely uncomfortable and more than a little frustrated. Our federal government already has the power to lock up American citizens without trial, indefinitely, via the National Defense Authorization Act. What additional freedoms and autonomy do we need to cede in the imaginary hope that the government can keep us safe?

Some of us on Cape Cod have been looking to state and federal officials to protect us from the very real possibility of nuclear poisoning from the Pilgrim power station just up the coast. These officials have caved to the owner, Entergy Corporation, a $42 Billion Fortune 500 power company. They’ve failed to require that Entergy implement basic safety and security precautions. They’ve even failed to develop an emergency evacuation plan for our region.

If the government can’t control the activities of one organization, how can we trust it to protect the public from dozens, hundred or thousands of crackpots, with or without guns?

The answer is that it can’t, and we shouldn’t expect it to. Rather, we should be able to protect ourselves, our families and friends and our property with our own skills and resources. I just don’t see how any other “solution” can possibly work.

Just Enough

I can’t remember what I did this morning, besides feed Fluffles (and clean his ears and comb his fur) and take a shower. This afternoon, though, I brought 71 bottles and cans to the redemption center, picked up some scratch tickets for the Cohens, cleaned up leaves in the back yard at Edgewater and brought the leaf sweeper home.

Emme and I had dinner at IHOP. Our waitress was a riot. Afterwards, we went to the Osterville Stroll, rode on the trolley-bus and had dessert, including some sensational cream puffs.

And oh yes, I fed Fluffles, again.

Pretty Full Day

Drove with Ron to the bus terminal at 6:30 this morning. He got his bus to Logan; I caught another one at the same time to New Bedford; not planned, but worked out great.

I got the 2:35 back to Bourne, then had supper and worked at Falmouth Eats Together from 4 to 6. Have been feeding Fluff ever since I got home. Cleaned up from the morning.


The Cake

I didn’t realize how crooked the cake turned out until seeing this picture. Oh, well.

I spent the morning in the kitchen. Also made baked fish and “Toad in the Hole”. Had an appointment afterwards at InMed, and the cool air felt so good, I didn’t even put on a coat.

Ron and I caught a delightful film at the Falmouth Art Center about Herbert and Dorothy Vogel, a middle class couple in New York City who amassed a 1400+ contemporary art collection. He passed away earlier this year. What amazing devotion to art.

I was ready to throttle Ron this evening. He’s been wasting hours trying to square away his email accounts and refused my help. I finally got fed up and fixed it for him just by FOLLOWING DIRECTIONS. I was able to print off his itinerary, bus ticket, boarding passes and car reservation.

Centerville Stroll

After finishing chores, we brought Emme to the Centerville Stroll. Much warmer this year, and we got to hear a bell choir, which was very nice. No cotton candy, but we enjoyed donuts, chili and hot dogs as well as cookies, cider and hot chocolate.

Holiday Afternoon in Falmouth Center

We visited the Museums on the Green for their annual holiday house tour. Purchased a CD of sea chanties by the Rum Soaked Crooks and some ornaments. Did some errands and then visited Highfield; Ron got photos of the creche exhibit, something we promised ourselves last year when both of us forgot our cameras.

Oh, yes, we also indulged at Maison Villatte, the new boulangerie-pâtisserie on Main Street.

Afterwards, we had a beautiful dinner with Candy and John and two other couples. I am grateful to Ron for releasing me at last from the status of fifth wheel.

Have You Noticed

It’s difficult to find holiday activities that don’t involve a) spending money and/or b) eating.

In other news, Ron got his shoulder treated and his left hand diagnosed. He also seems to be on track for his final appointment with the Worker’s Comp evaluator.

I was in New Bedford a couple of times this week to finish up my relationship tool project.

Our holiday cards are done. Ordered 60 with a discount and a $5 off coupon and picked them up on Thursday. Addressed and mailed almost all of them on Friday. Finished up the last few today.