Letters to My Senators

Not that it will do any good, but I finally sent the following correspondence to my two pro-illegal immigrant Senators:
I do not agree with any proposals to grant amnesty to the 12 million+ illegal aliens in the United States.
I do agree that the border needs to be better protected, and that employers who hire illegals should be punished.
How is granting immunity to those who have entered this country illegally different from rewarding any other kind of law-breaking activity?
Would you, for example, agree to release murderers and child rapists from prison because businesses “need” them to do work that other Americans allegedly refuse?
Mexico is a wealthy country, but its wealth is concentrated in the hands of a few. Mexican citizens should work on improving conditions in their own country rather than bringing their economic and social problems to ours.
Finally, I resent the anti-US attitudes expressed by those pro-illegal groups who demonstrate against our laws. The Southwestern part of the US no more “belongs” to Mexico than New England “belongs” to the UK.
This Cape Cod voter is strongly and emphatically opposed to any legislation that provides a means to citizenship to those who are here illegally. I do my own housework, yard work and hire US citizens when I need help from a skilled trades person. Businesses should do the same.

Spending and Saving

I have a good job, and say this not just because my performance review is coming up next week and my esteemed boss is, to say the least, internet-savvy, but because it’s true.
There are certainly others coping with the high cost of living here who aren’t so fortunate. For example, only a short distance away, the prison guards in the county jail very likely get pelted with offal in exchange for what is essentially a chambermaid’s wage.
So, being able to pay the bills and have dignified, intellectually challenging work is a circumstance worthy of gratitude.

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Gardener’s Diary

It’s summer, maybe not by the calendar, but yesterday, it hit over 90 degrees.
Sprayed the roses today.
This time last year (Memorial Day weekend), there were hoards of gypsy moth caterpillars dangling from trees. Only found one this year; turns out, the neighbors had their trees treated, so perhaps my yard benefits as well.
The rhodie is very pretty, and the violets I transplanted last year from Peter’s yard are doing well.
Mowed the lawn, watered and weeded this morning. Heading over to #11 to do some yard work there in a little while.
A couple of morning glories, one re-seeded from last year, have started, and several nasturtiums, from this year’s seeding. Have lots of seedlings from the mystery packets from the 2006 Home and Garden show.


…to MTV’s “Human Giant” for their skit “Mother and Son Moving Co.” which ends with the superimposed message “Don’t Adopt”.
Absolutely great.

Gardener’s Diary

Seedlings appeared yesterday, one week after sowing!
Planted nasturtium, aster and morning glory seeds this weekend. Found that soaking the morning glory seeds produced rootlets, even without time-consuming clipping beforehand.
James and I are making progress on clearing the overgrown forsythia in their back yard. The soil is so excellent, I suggested planting vegetables; James: “No more gardens!!”

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Gardener’s Diary

Looking back to last year, it feels like we are a little behind schedule. There’s a lot of growth in my yard, but very few blossoms, although my neighbors’ tulips are quite pretty.
We’ve had a fair amount of rain this spring, maybe not as much as last year; some of us think the very wet Spring was the reason the hydrangeas were incredible, more blossoms than we’ve seen before.

Continue reading Gardener’s Diary

Reading Comprehension

The discussion forums on two local topics prove, once again, that reading comprehension is a problem for some people in these parts.
The first topic, a decision by a postmaster to suspend mail delivery to a neighborhood threatened by two out-of-control pit bulls, unleashed (pun intended) the usual “it’s not the breed, it’s the owner” apologists.
The other, a report that the Mashpee Wampanoag are petitioning the state for return of tribal land on the Mass. Military Reservation, provoked equally irrational reaction from the usual flag-waving nuts.

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Mac vs Microsoft

Jason Snell, the editor of Macworld, wrote a very sensible editorial on how Mac and Windows users can co-exist.
I’ve met a number of Linux jocks, all of whom learned their trade in very expensive schools, like MIT. That, as far as I can figure out, is how most people get their entree to UNIX and UNIX-derivative world, which has always struck me as ironic.

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