
I’d like to wake up every day without regretting that we live in a small house, that I’m homely by conventional standards and that I haven’t come close to reaching my “potential” for achieving great things.

I’d like to not read yet another news article or Facebook post about some selfless and/or accomplished person who fed the hungry, graduated from Harvard or graced their surroundings with artistic flair.

For that matter, I’d like to never again learn of some living saint who died an untimely death from COVID19.

Christmas and Its Eve

Robert came over for lunch yesterday and to collect his Christmas gift. We had a great time, and he gave us some home made peppermint stick chocolate!

Christmas morning we watched Heather Cox Richardson’s Thursday lecture.

Ron made eggs for breakfast. I made a heavy soup seasoned with cardamom, fennel and rosemary. Used some of the Napa cabbage, a can of stewed tomatoes, onion, garlic, celery, black beans.

I practiced guitar chords for “Ghost Riders”. Since I seem to be done with projects for Jim, want to get back to the guitar so I can play with Ron when his gets fixed.

Shopping with Bennett

Impromptu shopping trip on Sunday to Savers and Ulta. Bennett found a jacket and some great boots for super-cheap. They paid for most of an early supper/late lunch calzone at Graziella’s and took home the leftovers.

Ron was super-productive yesterday. He paid for groceries, wrapped the killer tub seat for return via UPS and set up the window candles. I was unkind, got mad at him for chewing the ear off the cashier at Stop & Shop while she was processing an order for another customer. Apologized this morning.

The Bakers left us a container of home made treats and a box of Russell Stover! I dropped off a bag of bakery cookies. Bill had to hold their dog.

On the way back from Bourne on Saturday, the driver’s side light fell off. I ordered one from Car Parts but they were deceptive about when it would arrive: supposed to be today, turns out it won’t be until next week. I ordered the same part from Amazon, hope it’ll get here sooner. I’ll send the first one back.

Made blueberry pancakes this morning.


I did the MTR standout in the morning, and we had our annual Christmas gift exchange and get-together in the afternoon.

I shopped at a couple of bakeries in Bourne on the way to a pottery open house. Didn’t stay long, too crowded, unfortunately.

Still struggling with nopCommerce on Jim’s server.

Ron hurt himself in the tub, trying to use the stupid seat.

Snow, Lights

Thanks to Ron, we were well prepared for the storm. He did the last mow and fired up the snow blower.

I filled the truck and the gas can at Shell.

Em and I had a nice visit yesterday. They are in much better spirits than last time!

I totally blew the route to Savers. Turned out, the store is closed on Wednesdays. We ended up getting their Christmas gifts at Best Buy (game) and Five Below.

Ron and I went out to get crackers on sale but they were sold out, so we ended up looking at Christmas lights instead.


Attachment Style: True

Your attachment style is: Anxious

You love to be very close to your romantic partners and have the capacity for great intimacy. You often fear, however, that your partner does not wish to be as close as you would like him/her to be. Relationships tend to consume a large part of your emotional energy. You tend to be very sensitive to small fluctuations in your partner’s moods and actions, and although your senses are often accurate, you take your partner’s behaviors overly personally. As a result you tend to act out and say things you later regret. There’s a way to reach greater happiness in your relationships though. In ATTACHED, we help you understand what makes you tick as an anxious person and teach you some of the best kept secrets of secure people. This can help you move toward a more rewarding relationship.

Hearing Device

We were able to reconnect Ron’s Beltone Direct TV Link. It’s been sitting around for a long time, many months, and it’s nice that he’ll be able to use it.

After some debate, I took care of the hardware, he did the config.

Sent off an application to adopt a dog named Teddy who is in a shelter in New Bedford. Three friends kindly offered to reference us!

Ron went for a checkup at the dentist and finished unclogging the bathroom sink. I cleared the deck of small items that would make it harder to shovel.

We may get a lot of snow tomorrow night. We are pretty well stocked, thanks to Ron.

Truck; Energy Audit; Electoral College Votes

Falmouth Toyota has been great, they tried today to remove yet more oil from around the truck’s engine. No lesser a personage than the service manager assured me that a) it’s safe to drive; b) steam cleaning is out of the question (electrical) and c) the odor will eventually burn off.

The energy auditor was here and gave us a generally favorable report. We do need to have the furnace serviced.

I actually got NOPCommerce running on my pc in two different ways (executable and through IIS). Got it running for Jim on BABBAGE. Much wading through error codes, haha.

Have been watching the members of the electoral college vote. Kudos to Arizona, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Nevada.

Mashpee Pine Barrens

I’ve read about the Pine Barrens for quite a while, and we did a mile and three quarter walk in that area late yesterday afternoon. Nice trail, no view.

Afterwards, we, mostly Ron, put away the hoses. He installed the snow stakes as well.

In the morning, we washed, peeled and sliced piles of vegetables for salad and roasting. Also did laundry.

Saturday, it rained for most of the day. I did the MTR standout and dropped by the farm.

In the afternoon, we shopped at Lo Adoro in Sandwich and brought home pastries and wine. After stopping in to Dunkin, picked up a bottle of Pinot Gris for me at South Cape Wine & Liquors.


Ron and I have had some serious, heartfelt conversations this week.

Geri has written both of us off.

Meanwhile, life goes on. We’ve been busy with other things, but not much yardwork at all; it’s been quite cold.

We had small amounts of snow, twice.

I did some cleanup of grasses and sticks yesterday and have kept the decks clear. Got a Staples delivery late yesterday.

Yesterday, Ron did a second visit to Highfield and a shop at Job Lot on the way home.

I installed VS2019 and the newest version of nopCommerce. Very impressed!

Have been finding things for us to enjoy online. Two days ago, it was a new series on “star” doctors, and yesterday it was a lecture by Robert Wyatt on George Gershwin. Today it was the Moiseyev ballet performing a sirtaki.

I’ve also found a way to cast videos from my phone to the Roku stream stick, including and especially Prof. Heather Cox Richardson’s lectures on Reconstruction and current political events.

Having been using the downstairs gym. Miss walking.