Teddy Week: Got a Lot Done; Snow

Got a lot done, and it’s still morning.

Walked Teddy a couple of times. We shoveled. I made a salad.

We brought Teddy to the shelter for his last checkup with their vet.

Much easier getting him into the van today with his new harness.

Ron told them he coughed in the van, so they recommended that we go back tomorrow for chest xrays. They will only authorize an Eastham vet, so we declined. They allowed us to finalize his adoption on the phone.

I think the reason Ron heard him cough in the van is that he was chewing on a toilet paper tissue roll!

Teddy Week: Snow, Bolted

We are having a measureable snowfall. Ron and I took Teddy out after supper, and he bolted for the Bakers. Bill was in the driveway, in his truck, and I was able to catch up to Teddy there.

Boy, can he run!

Ron took Teddy out for the last walk of the day. Poor things were covered in snow. Teddy balked at going up the front stairs.

I made cauliflower soup. Tried twice to get him closer to the van, but was not successful. Chow’s are notoriously difficult to train.

After a false start, Ron got Teddy a harness at Baer’s, and he’s finding it easier to walk him with it. He’s gone to a lot of trouble for the dog today. I’m just glad that he finished errands before the snow. Trying not to think about Peter and James driving in it.

We got some last-minute info from the shelter about pet insurance and our visit with the vet tomorrow.

Teddy Week: We Survived

All hell broke loose here around midnight last night.

I’d fallen asleep at 8, before giving Teddy his second Trazodone. He was awake and barking starting around midnight. I gave him his med and some food and water and took him outside. He eventually calmed down around 1:30 am.

Earlier, the three of us walked around the Dixon/County Road block and got to see Shelley, our ICU nurse neighbor for a brief, very cold chat.

Even earlier, I took Em to their appointment with their new PCP. They seem to hit it off very well; I’m happy and relieved. While waiting, I went to Rockland on Main Street to deposit my last check from NEPS and drove around Hyannisport. Got back to Duffy exactly as Em was finishing up.

Saw Tony yesterday. Charlie wants to meet Teddy, I think.

We had a chat about lost friendships, and they suggested I consider getting in touch with Geri. They are eager to help, in the hope this will help them deal with a similar situation in their life.

Turns out, Geri had contacted Ron on his cell on Sunday, but he didn’t take the call. I suggested he phone her today.

Left a message at ARL-Brewster that I’d cut back Teddy’s med. They left a nice return voicemail, pleased he is doing well, he was one of their favorites.

Teddy was up this morning around 5:30. Gave him his med, took him outside, fed him.

Teddy Week; Sick of the News

I woke up yesterday, or maybe the day before, feeling better than I had in a long time.

This morning, Teddy and I got up too early, so it’s hard to know exactly how I feel compared to yesterday. It was my fault: I visited the bathroom at 3 am, tried to be quiet, but you can’t fool those keen dog ears.

I can tell you that I’m bloody sick of political news. Republican complaints about Biden’s Executive Orders are already mounting, and it’s same old/same old.

Misstatements abound. For example, stopping the Keystone Pipeline would result in the loss of 1,000 permanent full-time jobs and about four months of temporary jobs, not one million. Hardly a blip on the country’s growing rate of unemployment.

The deluge of made-up “facts” continues, too. A right-wing bimbo was forced to recant her absurd claim that a $15 minimum wage would result in a $38 burrito. In the real world, Taco Bell told PolitiFact, “at our company-owned restaurants in New York City, where the minimum wage is $15 an hour, our Bean Burrito is $1.89 plus tax.”

I heard both Romney and Rubio on Chris Wallace’s show yesterday. It was striking to note how the former came across as an adult and the latter as a juvenile whiner. Maybe Ivanka would be a better choice for Senator after all.

Meanwhile, I’ve lost or misplaced a slipper and a face mask accessory. It wouldn’t be a surprise if they were buried under paperwork somewhere.

Teddy Week; Cooking

He didn’t mind the food processor.

We were up at 5:30 yesterday, reasonable hour. Bloody cold, though. We didn’t stay out long.

I made a casserole but undercooked the potatoes. Otherwise, it was good.

We did laundry and changed the sheets. Ron picked up coffee. We watched the Tampa Bay game but I was too tired to stay up for all of Kansas City.

Gave Teddy a full dose of his med in the evening. He was beside himself.

This morning, I was up at 3 to go to the bathroom and unfortunately, woke Teddy up. Took him out a couple of times – 19-20 degrees but no wind.

He was very thirsty and hungry. Fed him some kibble which seemed to satisfy him.

Gave him a half dose of his med this morning.

Teddy Week – Saturday

From Sandy’s last email, looks like MTR is done for good.

I felt well this morning, for the first time in who knows how long.

The three of us walked in the field yesterday.

The Bakers dropped off generous presents, dog biscuits and treats, and a nice note for the “Southern Gentleman”.

Teddy let me sleep until 5 today. We did a couple of short walks in the yard, then Ron took him for a long walk in the field.

Teddy seems to like R&B. We listened to The 5th Dimension and EW&F on YouTube to help motivate kitchen and bedroom chores.

Teddy – Day One

We brought Teddy home yesterday. He’s done the circuit around the house a couple of times and had no problem negotiating the deck stairs.

Ron took him out last night. I did the 3:30 am shift this morning. 20 degrees but no wind.

He was very restless. I gave him his anti-anxiety med.

Right now he’s panting at the top of the stairs, and I’m hoping to lure him with cheese to visit me in my den.

I was out with him yesterday afternoon and grateful for our house, our yard, for Ron and for Teddy.

Update: he made it down the stairs! Good dog!

He was lying in the den but started getting restless. In spite of cheese, we had to carry him back up stairs: not easy for Ron so early in the day. He wasn’t pleased but he didn’t bite us. Some carpentry needed before he comes downstairs again, I think.

Brought him outside again around 6 am. Fed him.

Took him out a couple more times, in the yard and the field. Ron walked him twice in the field. We all got a fair amount of outdoor time today. Teddy’s not bothered by other dogs in the neighborhood.

Meeting Teddy

We had a fine introduction to Teddy yesterday. He approached both of us without hesitation and walked calmly with us. He and Ron got along great; it’s going to be a boys’ club around here!

Rain, Cooking

I skipped the last standout before the inauguration yesterday because it was pouring and I wanted to do other things anyway.

Like searching through what felt like at least a dozen dog shelters and filling out applications.

I also wanted to do some cooking. Roasted spaghetti squash, tofu scramble and cauliflower. Hard-boiled some eggs for deviling.