New Schedules; Perfect Day?

Ron has been staying up, or napping then getting up, to let Lizzie out close to midnight.

I made the switch to Geico for homeowners as well as auto.

A perfect day would start with a fine breakfast, even if only a scone and good coffee, and include a tour of estate gardens with lunch or tea.

Iranian Zuke, More Cleanup

Even though Ron was up at 10 and midnight and I was up at 3 am or so, Lizzie wet her waterproof blanket last night. She seems frightened today, tail between her legs. She did eat a whole can of food for breakfast, though.

I washed the blanket and Ron took care of a good-sized regular laundry.

I made an Iranian-inspired zucchini and tomato sauce recipe from WaPo and spaghetti sauce, also from our tomatoes.

Ron went to Beltone yesterday and was advised to have his ears taken care of at an urgent care center. He’s probably in a waiting room in Falmouth as I write this.

I bailed on the cardiologist this week. Will ask DvH at my next visit if she thinks my test results call for an appointment.

Hard Day’s Night

Lizzy had a series of “accidents” on Saturday night.

Ron washed and dried the two rugs. This meant hauling out the water blaster and the shop vac. I cleaned two wood floors and spot-cleaned the bedroom carpets.

After laundering the mattress cover, we changed sheets as well. Ron finished the mowing I’d started the day before, left side and the back. Glad that’s done.

Lizzy’s new bed and waterproof blanket arrived and she’s putting them to use.

Ron stayed up until midnight to take her out last night. I got up at 3:30 this morning to do the same. She is still restless. At one point in the early hours, she was whimpering and I had to help her get on her feet.

Funds Squared Away, Zuke for Breakfast

The bank repaired all of our accounts.

I shut down Ron’s Act Blue account, saving him over $73 with every scheduled withdrawal. Insane, these weren’t even for local pols or causes!

Speaking of which, WCAI and APCC used a FOIA request to pry some damning emails from the Base to Keating’s office in which they admitted that if EPA reviewed their machine gun range proposal, it would probably fail.

We had a great breakfast with one of Patrick’s zukes, our tomatoes, celery, potato, onions, cheese and poached eggs. No seasoning.

Ron took Lizzie for a walk at 4 am.

Ron’s Crashes; Tiverton

Ron damaged his van today by smacking into another car, which wasn’t damaged.

Yesterday, his checking account was overdrawn by over $2,000 because of an erroneous ActBlue donation. Automatic transfers wiped out the joint checking account and my savings account.

The bank jumped in to help and ActBlue refunded the $2,750, but it’s pending in PayPal. Ron closed his checking account and opened a new one.

It’s still messy and we won’t know how many corrections actually were made until everything posts tonight.

After finishing at the bank, Ron and I were able to move the middle seat in the van to the rear, thus unearthing a turd, probably from the devil Buddy. That could account for why the van has smelled so awful even with my cleaning.

Even with these unfortunate events, we made our visit to Tiverton for lunch and a fine visit with Lizzie’s former owners. Their place is fantastic, very rural, although on a busy road to a beach. I loved seeing their gardens, and we drove around their pond on the way back to 24.

They sent us home with a big bag of zucchini. Guess I’ll be cooking tomorrow.

The laundry, including our bedsheets, had been sitting all day and it was mildewed. I went out at 8 for an inexpensive but nice set at Marshall’s – thank goodness they were open late – just so we could get to bed at a reasonable hour. I was sleep deprived the whole time, having gotten up at 4:30 to let Lizzie out.

Today was redoing the sheets plus a white wash.

I also ordered an ID tag for Lizzie and picked up a Mashpee tag for her at Town Hall. I must still have felt the effects of yesterday’s sleep deficit because I left the application behind but, luckily, did bring the rabies certificate.

On the ride home yesterday, Lizzie, who had almost half of the vehicle interior to herself, figured out how to get herself on the seat! I didn’t see how she did it but got a neat photo of her looking very pleased and dangling her front paws elegantly over the edge of the seat.


We had Cathy and Cindy over yesterday for veg pizza from Graziella’s and Sangria.

Lizzie was her usual ladylike self.

She was up and about at midnight, and I tried to get her to go outside, but we missed. She did much better this morning.

Thank goodness for home-based laundry machines!

New Donut Shop!

Oh, my, a religious experience. It’s in the Commons on North Street.

We dropped off the last pile of detritus to the transfer station. A kind gentleman who has a second home here (he and his wife have a 24 acre spread in Maine) helped us.

We stopped for dog treats at Stop & Shop and then made the pilgrimage to Duke’s Donut Worx. Guess what we had for lunch?

We’ll Miss You, Locast

Locast has been shut down by the courts, so I upgraded our Xfinity subscription yesterday. I set up the two TVs for their Beta streaming service and found channels with World programming. So, we can still watch DW News.

Nice weather yesterday. Lizzie was great this morning.

I spent some time on researching insurance companies prior to our policy renewals. I’d made the mistake of asking for bids from agencies and as a result, waded through a bunch of non-starter proposals. After looking at BestRate reviews, I signed us up with Geico for auto and am working on transferring the Homeowners to another agency.

Washed the floor coverings from Lizzie’s accident the other night.

The sunflowers crashed during the storm, so I cut them down.

Ron treated us to Wildfire pizza for supper.

Remnants of Ida

Multiple tornado warnings last night. Woke us all up. Lizzie didn’t want to go out in the pouring rain and had an accident. Not her fault.

Labor Day weekend is almost here, and I’m feeling the usual letdown. Not that I love summer – I don’t – but the commercial reminders of cookouts and gatherings are depressing.

School started here yesterday.