
I’m working on a pair of closet doors and the pole from Ron’s closet.

Hope to finish today or tomorrow.

Got an increase in my credit line to cover the septic extensions but at a substantially higher interest rate.

Pizza and salad last night, scrambled eggs with mushrooms and peppers this morning.


Town politics are making Mashpee a laughing stock of the County.

All four of our Select Board members have been publicly campaigning for the October 4 candidates.

So what happens if their choice doesn’t get elected?

One member of the Select Board had a temper tantrum over the Chair’s refusal to add an agenda item.

By the way, I think the Chair was wrong.

No Progress Today

Ron is putting up the curtain rod for the second bedroom window. We received the new spread set and curtains.

I took down the kids’ young person artwork.

Spent the morning working on a transcript of last night’s Select Board Candidate Forum. Good questions and the candidates’ points of view came across very clearly.

Received a couple of calls from friends about the fuss at this past Monday’s Select Board meeting over approving a nomination for the Affordable Housing Committee. Downloaded a transcript and sent links to them.

Yesterday Tony and Ron carried the van center seat upstairs and put it in the truck. Ron and I brought it to the transfer station. I’d done a run earlier with yard waste.

Spread some mulch. Transplanted the little hydrangea where the semi-dead rose used to be and cut it way too low; stupid! Trimmed the nine barks and that was okay.

Ron Freaks Out

First the good news: it poured for most of yesterday.

Ron freaked out about “his” room, insisting that he needed to do more work before we could have photos taken.

In a way, he has a point. I ordered another set of curtains for the bedroom and a proper king size spread. Probably a good idea to clean the front door, too, and re-hang the bifold doors in the bedrooms.

We had to groom and scrub Lizzie’s backside. It was a horrible mess, but she was her usual forbearant self.

The electrician is here and the Mac repair person picked up Ron’s computer, which we finally decided needs a new battery. He put in an old still good one and charged a reasonable price for the part and his time.


Very pleased with the ceiling fan and light. Had a small dispute with the company owner due to a miscommunication but we worked it out. I actually overpaid him a little but that’s a different story for another post, maybe.

Mary called to ask me to take down comments I made about one of the Select Board candidates. I was bloody mad but did it out of respect for Mary. Lost some respect for our candidate; I can’t abide cowardice.

Picked up a set of solid wood bifold doors at the resale store in Falmouth for an unbelievable $20.

A handyman will be here tomorrow morning to check out what needs to be done.

Ron took down the crook that I’d asked him to install for a hanging plant.

After listening to him talk about buying them for hours on hours, I found shelf brackets in the attic for Ron’s closet project. I picked up D batteries for the stud finder.

Did more yard cleanup, more than I normally would before official Fall but wanted the property to look neater.

Vaccinations, Septic Extensions and Other Trump News

Lizzie had a rough night and thus, so did poor Ron. We are hoping that this, as in all things, will pass.

Septic inspector was here yesterday and we need to have extensions installed. These are pipes fitted to the existing hardware that allow better access to the various components of the system. I’m waiting for a quote and a new appointment.

Briefly attended a standout last night for a Select Board candidate. Watched the SB meeting on YouTube. Many ups and downs and lots of public participation around proposed wetlands bylaws.

It poured earlier today but I was able to fit in some garden cleanup before the rain. Lizzie kept me company.

Things are pretty much under control or at least controllable in the office, living room and kitchen. I need to work on the desk in the bedroom.

Got the new handset to work. Handset has a registry. Found a video on YouTube with a good explanation of how to clear it and the rest was cake.

Got Flu and COVID-19 (Moderna – third dose) shots at CVS yesterday.

Cooking, Ron’s Music

The computer with Ron’s music is fine, it was just low on charge.

Yesterday I made two zucchini-based entrees. Ron made salad.

Ron tried to wake Lizzie up a little before 2 am, but she trumped and leaked anyway.

The Brattleboro realtors report that the market is hypercompetitive, which makes me nervous, like jumping from the frying pan into an inferno. I’ve asked for info on more laid-back areas.

Meanwhile, Ron spotted the atrocious next door neighbor taking pictures of the house. Maybe she was clued in by the Title V inspector?

House Seeking, Lizzie Food

Made a week’s worth of food for Lizzie yesterday.

Ron got one repaired hearing aid from Beltone and dropped off the other to be fixed.

Made an appointment with an electrician to install a ceiling fan/light in the second bedroom. Ordered the unit.

We went to Falmouth to Ron’s credit union affiliate so he could make a deposit and picked up a part at Aubuchon. I treated us to Domino’s for supper; quite good, in fact!

Have been perusing real estate listings. Saw two in Brattleboro that look nice.

Labor Day Weekend

Aside from a transfer station run and a big grocery shop, we didn’t do a lot after the big house cleaning on Friday and Saturday.

I’ve been scouring property listings in Vermont, Maine and Berkshire County, Mass. Contacted a couple of realtors today, asked them to please keep an eye out for us.

Primary elections are today. Ron did mail-in and I voted early.


Received and set up a new handset in my basement “office” yesterday, easy. Should cut down on the number of missed calls.

Ron and I went to the transfer station and BJ’s for home and meeting goods.

No word from the Select Board or Affordable Housing Committee members. Beginning to think that their duplicity isn’t just suspected.

We watched part of the Conservation Committee video. Brian Weeden’s call for a discussion of conflicts of interest was well taken.