A Lot Going On: Plumbing, Permits, Carpet; Ron Cooks!

Plumbers took care of two projects yesterday and turned off the water to the sillcock in the garage. It was stupidly connected to the kitchen, in their view, “the worst way to do this.” What a surprise.

They replaced the sillcock on the side yard with a no-freeze one and shut off the water. It won’t be fun to turn it back on, we’ll need their help in the spring, but I’m relieved that we are prepared for the freezing cold predicted for this week.

They also replaced the main water shutoff. Fortunately, the job went well and they didn’t have to bring in another machine, which would have almost doubled the cost.

Yesterday an assessor visited at my invitation. The “sunroom” had not been on their radar. He strongly suggested that I pull a permit for the carpentry work on the second floor and the electrical work.

I left a message for the building inspector. After a very civil chat, he’s dropping by today to check things out. This was a surprise since no one thought a permit was needed.

Meanwhile, Pete will pull a permit this morning for the electrical work.

Dave’s renovation license is not the right type for this project. He can get an HIC registration, but it takes time to process. I’m not concerned about his know-how or the quality of his work.

I asked the building inspector to check if permits have been pulled in the past. Bet they haven’t.

I ordered carpeting for the guest bedroom and hallway from a store in Bennington. Nice ride back and forth, snow flurries on the way home.

Dropped off our lunch to-go order for February at the senior center.

Ron cooked! The HelloFresh shipment arrived in time for supper. He prepared stuffed peppers and was nice enough to clean up afterwards, too. Very welcome after a busy and mildly stressful day.


Furnace problem was a minor one: the safety switch was out, either pulled out or fell out.

I am SO GLAD to have heat again!

Last night, I was pretty discouraged about this house, feeling overwhelmed by the number of decisions that have been and will need to be made, the problems that keep coming up and the drain on savings.

According to this blog, I was down on Mashpee as early as January 2004. That means I’d stuck it out for at least 19 years. I only hope Williamstown and Henderson Road also don’t break my heart.

DPU, Roof, Floor Progress

Ryan and the other “suns” worked on the roof yesterday, said the job is about half done. We have shingles on part of the roof.

Dave and Devin put down several sheets of plywood.

Got a call from an attorney at the DPU. She’s had conversations with National Grid on my behalf. I was able to see some of my account using a link from an earlier email.

No Heat

One of the carpenters was working in the basement yesterday.

He may have disrupted one of the circuits; had no power in the garage doors and last night, I noticed that the furnace was off.

It’s about 54 degrees in here now.

Left a message for the electrician. The oil company is sending a tech, he should be here shortly.

Never occurred to me to get a service plan for the furnace.

This is predicted to be a very cold week, minus temperatures tonight and Friday. Let’s hope this gets squared away today.

Not Us

Yesterday, a lady whom I’d met at an earlier standout mentioned Don Kurlander, the former art teacher, who lived on Henderson. She was sure we bought his house, but he lived at 315.

I can’t find out anything earlier than the 50’s about number 71 in the North Berkshire Registry.

Standout in Pittsfield

Ron was cold so we only stayed for about 15 minutes.

We stopped at BJ’s then picked up our grocery order at the North Adams Stop & Shop. Used their shopping service, which included bringing groceries to the car, and that could not have worked out better!

Mac and cheese and steamed mixed vegetables for supper. Watched the first half of Bengals/Chiefs playoff game.

I listened to the new First Congregational Church minister’s sermon via ZOOM. She’s a good speaker.

Woke up at quarter to three again. Stomach is a mess from last night.

Good Eating

After Ron got his account number and a debit card and ordered checks at the credit union, we made a stop at the trailhead off Syndicate Road and had coffee at Five Corners Market and Cafe.

Brought home perogies, bagels, mac and cheese and a slice of focaccia.

We enjoyed a visit to and joined the Williamstown Historical Museum.

I did a little shoveling in the driveway and the deck. Lots of deer tracks and some scat in the back yard.

We took the top off the post lamp, found it’s just a solar light.

Quiet Weekend Ahead

It looks as if we’ll be by ourselves, Ron, me and the mice.

The carpenter spotted deer tracks in the back yard and thinks they jump over the left side fence.

The motion sensor light went on this morning around 5 am, but I think that’s because I flipped the switch, which is on the downstairs bathroom wall (huh?) by mistake, not anything going on in the driveway.

The carpenter managed to get 12 foot boards inside via a window so he didn’t have to cut them – cool! He worked on the kitchen drawer and sympathized with my problems with the foam stuff – “it’s always a mess.” More demo; Devin was here for half the time.

The three of us did a tour of the basement. Dave says it’s in good shape but could use some “sistering” of cracked boards, some of which has been done.

I booked an appointment with Terminix for next week.

Have an appointment to close on the HELOC next Friday.

Stopped by the Senior Center and had a pleasant chat with our neighbor, the Executive Director. He signed us up for their newsletter.

Got some errands done yesterday – Aubuchon, Cumby, library (Ron found music), lunch to go from Pera. Drove up to the overlook on Sweet Farm so Ron could see it.

TeleDoc, Mouse

The work on the second story seems to have disturbed mice. The carpenter caught one and I spotted one in the kitchen.

Had a video meeting with a doctor about my eyes. She prescribed prednisone, which we had for Lizzie. I took the first dose early this afternoon. Picked up the Rx for me at Walgreens: 79 cents. Love my health insurance! The doc thinks I should start feeling better in 3 days.

Work is progressing on the bedroom. Dave the carpenter spotted charred boards; maybe a fire from a stove in or below that room (would be the coat closet)?

I booked an appointment with the assessor for Tuesday afternoon and a plumber for that morning to check out the hot water valve behind the washing machine.

Ryan was here to get snow off part of the roof.

Took Ron out to eat. Ordered online at one restaurant, found it was closed. The second was full-up: trivia night. We landed at our neighbor’s restaurant and chatted with them afterwards. Ron, who claimed not to be hungry, devoured a big Greek salad.

I tried filling in a hole under the kitchen sink with a foam spray but didn’t do it correctly, it didn’t stick. Bloody heck.

The drawer that we thought the carpenter had fixed came off the track.

Win some, lose some.

Home Improvements

The electrician changed out the light in the upstairs hallway and wired the thing properly. The old light needed light bulbs that have since gone obsolete.

He also remounted the fan in the master bedroom. Got to it through the attic.

He’s found so much bad wiring that it sounds like it would be worthwhile for him to check out all the switches, once he’s done with the outlets in the “office”.

Barbara called; great to hear from her.

Think I may have unclogged the upstairs sink, finally. We’ll see.

Ron and I made a double batch of biscuits, thus using up the big box of Bisquick.

I got approved for the Green Loan from the Credit Union!

It’s snowing but not very hard, not yet.

Ron’s wallet is still missing.