Right She Is

“Saint John described leaving Uber for Endeavor in part because of a culture prone to microaggressions — everyday verbal and emotional indignities directed, sometimes unintentionally, toward marginalized groups.

“The challenges of being black, of being a woman in an environment like that were too overwhelming,” she said. “And at some point you realize that you can’t sacrifice yourself for the cause.”

Election; Interview

Happy the Selectman election is over. A good candidate won; not our choice, but a good person nonetheless.

Peter ‘s been dealing with an infected jaw, result of a broken tooth. He’s been taking antibiotics, has appointment with an oral surgeon tomorrow.

Interview went poorly and don’t care; turned out I’d be working for a consulting firm, which I don’t want. I’m looking forward to studying for 70-483 and if I pass, maybe another exam.

Good conversation with David Vieira on Monday. He filled me in on the workings of the political Town Committees and some of his family history as well. His energy level is remarkable!

Had a yen for hash browns and made some yesterday, one with butter, one without. Better with butter, if only because it added a little salt.

We’ve managed, barely, to keep our heads above water until Ron got his pension payments yesterday. Thank you, Cal and IA.

Sunday, but No Rest

Up at dawn. Made coffee, read the Times.

Pruned the daylilies, as planned. Did a little watering.

Stripped beds, did laundry, made beds.

Made chili and corn bread. Cooked the corn bread on the grill; ran out of gas but there was enough heat to finish it; nicely, too.

Went to Elana’s ice cream social at Polar Cave, and on the way home picked up a full tank of propane at Peter’s; he left it on the steps for us, which helped. Ron got it connected.

Went to Shaw’s for bagels and some well-priced cheese. Used the Ace $5 coupon at Eastman’s towards a valve for the outdoor shower. Nasty salesperson, spoke with the manager about him, also told him I didn’t appreciate being followed around. He argued with me, didn’t “get it”, so I gave up.

Even though the salespeople annoy me, I would spend a fortune in their gorgeous kitchenware section if I had money. So many beautiful things!

Ron attached the valve. Haven’t tried it yet. Felt like I was running the whole day from 9:30 on.

Talked with Ron about making a room or an ADU for Cathy. Hoping her relatives will man up and help her, but if they don’t, this might work. Too bad we’re not rich….

Pizza Sauce

Playing the “see what we have in the house” end of month game.

Had a big can of gorgeous ground tomatoes and a yen for cauliflower crust pizza, so made sauce. Topped the pizza with mushrooms, a home-grown tomato, artichoke hearts, basil and cheese.

Made tapioca.

Tomorrow will be chili and corn bread.

Forewent any activity involving money or gasoline. Don’t care much. Have been thinking a lot about the election next Tuesday. Wrote a bunch of emails about it.

Cathy has created a GoFundMe page to benefit Falmouth seniors!

Did some garden cleanup. Cut down the Joe Pye and stuck the seed heads in a big container, put it on the front stairs.

Planning to prune the Stellas in the back tomorrow.

Got to use the outdoor shower: great, except that I’ve got the Hot and Cold reversed…..

Transfer Station, Grass Seed

Made the run today with Ron. Easy, light week.

Transplanted grass and moss and put down seed in the area around the dogwood.

Pretended to be Ron on Facebook. Good responses to “his” posts.

Up at 5:30 after 10 hours of sleep.

Put $10 of gas in the truck.

Interview has been set up for next week.

We continue to limp along until the end of the month.

Rice Pudding

Yesterday, I made rice pudding, but it disappeared.

We made a quick trip to our new insurance agency to sign off on the old policies.

We sat through most of the so-called candidates forum at the library last evening. Awful. Dumb questions, terrible acoustics.

We, mostly me but Ron was a big help, planted the trees today.

Ron is working on the shower to make it less rickety.

Donned Our Kevlar, Strapped On Our Boots; Rain; Garlic; Impossible Whoppers

We attended a job fair “for mature workers” at the “Cape and Islands Career Center” yesterday and had an hour+ long meeting with our new insurance agent.

Good rain last night, maybe an inch.

Kitchen has been smelling “off”; turns out, garlic had spoiled. I’d stored it in an airless container. Kitchen’s better now that it’s aired out.

We splurged at Amie Bakery yesterday. I bought four pastries and a rum/maple syrup cocktail infused with cardamom for Ron.

Also bought “Amie Bakery” hot cup holders for Em and Ami.

Good customer service call this morning with T-Mobile. Saved us $19.76.

Cleaned out frig. Ron cleaned the freezer. Would be nice if that makes us closer to godliness.

We picked up free “Impossible” Whoppers at BK in Falmouth and drove Robert home afterwards. The Whoppers were a Tuesday gift from t-Mobile. Also stopped at Cumby so Robert could get his refreshments and Ron could fill the gas can for the lawn mower.

I applied for a merchandising job at SAS.

Typical Sunday

NY Times. Working on laundry. Our poor washing machine keeps stalling.

Stopped by Soares to admire their gorgeous Fall decorations.

Picked up groceries at Shaw’s. Two bags of $5 a dozen bagels and a number of other sale items.

Baked apple slices with traditional spices and a little cornstarch: pie without the crust and very good.

Replaced six wire hangers with the heavy duty plastic ones from yesterday’s shop at Job Lot and pulled out a slew more wire ones. Wreaths?

Catching Up

Took a “programming” test that involved almost no programming yesterday morning.

Did the transfer station run yesterday afternoon. I was so disorganized, I went through the recycle area three times, the last to return a bin that I’d absentmindedly put in the truck.

Got our phones squared away with T-Mobile. Mine at least: Ron had a load of trouble with his, but an Apple Support rep and I got him squared away today.

Gave Robert a ride home yesterday and will be heading out shortly for James. Split a chicken (arg) Caesar sub with Robert; he bought me a chocolate milk.

Spent a good part of this afternoon with Ron’s phone. Did get the Emme garden cleaned out of weeds and watered it.

We briefly attended a free concert at Falmouth Marine Park. Did a shop at Job Lot: 20% off everything in the store. Loaded up on a month’s worth of staples: paper goods, dishwasher soap, nuts.