Good Deed; Bagels; Chappy

I was able to remove a cork that had fallen to the bottom of a huge bottle Ron is planning to use to make beer. Did it with a plastic bag.

We picked up two dozen bagels at Shaw’s and were planning to attend a jazz piano concert in West Falmouth until we found out the tickets were $30 each.

We went to Chapoquoit beach instead and watched a wind surfer.

Earlier in the day, we did laundry and changed sheets, and after getting home, stored Ron’s supply of bottles for beer making.

Two Good Deeds; Eggplant Parm

We brought the Edgewater air conditioner to the transfer station and paid the fee. Hoping to save us a trip, Peter had dropped by earlier to pick up his recycle bin, which we’d also forgotten to return.

Afterwards, we had enough time to collect litter at the bottom of Old Barnstable Road and dispose of that at the transfer station as well.

Yesterday, the lower dishwasher spray arm came loose and melted on the heating coil. It’s usable for now but I did order one that should arrive on Monday anyway.

I made eggplant parm with a close-to-the-end eggplant, old mozzarella and Ron’s tomato sauce. Used ingredients never tasted so good, and the aroma, especially coming upstairs from ‘the room’, was out of this world.

I figured out what we should net from the sale of Edgewater. We both think putting in central air here is a good investment and a worthwhile lifestyle enhancement. Ron would like to go to his family reunion in May. I would love to fly Emme and Ami back to Mass. We’ll see.

Come to think of it, three good deeds: I uploaded and replaced Ron’s old Facebook photo. It’s getting good reviews.

Watched the Frontline documentary about the Syrian civil war, “For Sama”. The filmmaker and her family now live in the UK.

Scream Therapy

This property sale is freaking me out in multiple ways, not just financial. It’s the final separation from Peter – a relief but also a big change, which does include stress.

I won’t be “right” until the check clears.

We’ve been involuntarily and miserably connected for too long. I’ve been ready to be “done” for years. It exploded last December when Ron and I laid down an ultimatum. I’m tired of worrying about two properties, living off other people’s money and being penalized because social service agencies treat us like rich landlords instead of fixed income retirees.

I’m angry that no one has said to Ron and me “It’s a great thing you’ve done for your family.” Parents who have paid for college tuition must feel the same way: it’s your job so you don’t need thanks.

Ron told me the other day that he wanted to move here so he could help me and the family. He has. He may not be the most “woke” person in the world, but he’s further along than anyone else about whom I know well enough to form an opinion.

It was cold yesterday and even colder today, which is making me cross. My right hip has been bothering me so I’m hesitant to ‘walk it off’.

Two Weeks

We showed up an hour and a half early for Ron’s follow-on appointment, but the doc was able to fit him in.

We met briefly with Peter’s loan officer and dropped off the equity gift document.

I treated Ron to breakfast at Chew. Terrible coffee but good food.

I paid the last bill until closing, to CSMLP.

The sympathetic customer service person at Chase refunded the $28 late fee.

Ron dropped off books at the Falmouth library and on the way back, we stopped at the Art Center. Fine second floor exhibit of fabric art.

Two weeks from closing.

That Didn’t Go Well

I decided to try reducing Citalopram this week, alternating full and half doses. Yesterday was a half dose.

The result was driving the wrong direction on a one-way road, losing it with Ron and forgetting to pay a bill, which cost me $28 in late fees.

On the other hand, we did receive the MFD Certificate of Compliance for Edgewater and I’m now up to date on meds, thanks to the pharmacist at Wal-Mart. HCHP confirmed that the meds they’ve approved so far this year are all Tier I, which means, incredibly, no OOP or deductible.

Another good move from yesterday: Home Depot got Citibank to give us 18 month no-interest financing on the flooring charges. That was my bright idea, in case things go south with Edgewater, which is still a possibility: they don’t have their commitment – yet.

Ron and I did the transfer station run yesterday. Full load.

I made eggplant meatballs and Ron made sauce, neither of which were very good, at least not to my taste. He got sloshed, again.

We left the kitchen in a mess. I cleaned it up this morning.

CSA; Flooring Done; Walmart

We dropped off a check at the Farm for the Spring CSA, saw Matt.

We tried redeeming a T-Mobile Tuesday special for veg burgers at BK, but the internet connection was so slow I gave up and paid for them.

Picked up meds at Walmart and was charged $0. My new plan has ZERO copays for Tier I drugs! It was not a mistake!

Also bought cake decorating supplies for Free’s party.

Ron got some bluetooth speakers for himself.

I’ve been limping for days because of my right hip. He noticed but didn’t say anything, as in ?? I don’t get it.

Good news from the Town of Mashpee: Rob with the DPW took mercy on us and removed our street from the “Do Not Plow” list! The MFD left a message that we have an appointment tomorrow for the smoke/CO detector inspection.

Finally, Peter texted that the flooring is in and done.

A New Hero

An electrician promised Friday to show up today at Edgewater at 10 am.

He was early.

He did all the work I’d requested, and a bit more, managing to wire a new smoke/CO alarm, install three others, and repair two outlets that were damaged in the recent renovation.

Unlike others who quoted on my FB post, he charged a fair hourly wage, i.e., less than what one would pay a neurosurgeon.

Along with Ron, he’s my hero.

After picking up half and half for my coffee, I dropped off the sensors this morning and returned to Edgewater around mid-day to pay the electrician and to Stosh to pick up chowder and salad for Ron.

Saw some pillows that I thought might work for the bench in the back yard and the saleswoman gave us a pillow that hadn’t worked for her. She’d annoyed me so of course I was embarrassed, but Ron made up for it by being super-nice.

Stopped at Andy’s for Cupcake Shiraz and Limoncllo, which we enjoyed in Betsy’s cordial glasses, on the deck, until it got too cold.

Ron’s on his way to Walmart to straighten out his account. I am glad the sun is well over the yardarm.