Rain, NOOM Group, Errands

Ron paid a visit to his fellow GMC fan today and brought back fantastic bread.

I did a shop during what was supposed to be “Senior Time” and of course, the store was mobbed, including at least one malodorous person who probably infected the rest of us.

I stopped in to CVS which was not useful, but Roche had toilet paper, eggs and yogurt, all of which was either missing or in short supply at Stop & Shop.

Filled up at S&S gas: $2.19 a gallon, chose not to use our points.

Transferred the Weedman account to Peter. Sort of a house-warming gift.

I’m in a NOOM group. Seem like a friendly bunch.

Baked a spaghetti squash. Killer with the basil pesto Ron picked up the other day.

Made a pantry “fazoo” with garbanzo beans, tomatoes, rosemary.

Yard Work, Rabbit Repellent

Found some ragged tulip leaves and Mahoney’s is open, so I picked up a couple of bags of repellent.

Dropped off leaves from the corner garden at the transfer station, but am planning to put the rest in our “woods”.

The tree that Ron almost killed is doing VERY well!

Rain, Sheltering in Place

We are staying put today.

Yesterday I used the almost-bad avocado and some ancient cooking chocolate to make brownies. I managed to burn the chocolate, but the brownies came out pretty well anyway.

Peter was over to borrow the loppers. Nice chat.

Started leaf cleanup yesterday. Hope I didn’t jump the gun. Irrigation person came by, gave us a quote today.

Right now, I’m watching “Carmen” from 2010. The Met, which has canceled performances through the end of the month, is streaming old productions through Sunday, for free.

Earlier, saw some vids on YouTube of high school productions that had to be cancelled.

I am just as happy to be “stuck” here. Lessens the guilt about not “going out”, especially when so much good is available online.

Having some fun, too.

Vegetables, Walks

We had lunch at Not Your Average Joe’s today using my birthday discount, and treated our digestive systems well, with salads and spaghetti squash bolognese.

We walked to Target and back, signed up for the Red Circle and got 15% off our purchases on the spot, thanks to the manager. The cashier gave us misinformation, but I insisted on getting our discount. Ron was not pleased, kept wanting to hurry me along; tough, I saved $8.

Afterwards, we did a walk in Hyannis. Veterans Park and Lewis Bay.

Friday the 13th


Got the transfer station run finished before it got too bad.

I’d shortchanged Ron when I divvied up the proceeds. I paid off credit cards, the HELOC and a personal loan, but had forgotten about a couple of cash advances Ron withdrew to pay tradesmen; yesterday we corrected the oversight.

That raised the following financial question in my mind at least, and I submitted it to an online guru this morning. Wonder if it’ll get answered:

My husband and I lived together 50 years ago, lost touch for 40+ years, became reacquainted and got married 9 years ago. We have a biological son and grandchildren. My husband is attractive, I’m not. Before we got married, he racked up a lot of personal debt, although he did maintain a good credit rating. I invested in property and helped our son and his family through hard times.
As a homely woman, I appreciate that my husband has given up intimacy and the ability to “show off” his wife to his friends. We recently sold an investment property. We agreed to a split of the proceeds, but I feel that he might be entitled to a larger share because he sacrificed to marry me. What should a man receive in exchange for marrying a homely woman?


Lunch with Ron and Geri. Got to walk Free. Did my steps and kept within food allotment. Paid bills, transferred more funds to savings. Two for one veg footlong subs for supper. Ron played music that I like. Nice birthday.

Teaticket Park

In Falmouth again for vehicle maintenance. I dropped mine off at Midas, which is now under new ownership and part of a 15-store sub-chain. Ron got new tires and an alignment at Town Tire.

I visited Teaticket Park and was delighted with how nice it is. A real sanctuary in a semi-urban setting, and a nice amenity for workers in that area.

Ron treated to lunch at Burger King. I had an Impossible Whopper without the bun in a salad bowl. The Whoppers were on sale but the drink prices are outrageous.

Ron is off to pay our excise taxes.

This is the last day of the first week of NOOM. I like the application, it’s fast and easy to use.


Irrigation company crew leader was over yesterday. Knowledgeable person, lots of good information.

We helped Cathy move to her new place and did a brief walk on the beach afterwards. Not too cold but mighty windy.

I returned to Falmouth in the evening for a fine talk at the library about vegetable garden companion plants.

We were at South Cape the night before to see the full Worm Moon.

Day After

I’m obsessing about yesterday’s closing, was it a good deal it for us, for P&B. They deserve a lot of credit for getting it together (pun intended).

Day 3 of NOOM. I’m trying to take off the weight that I’ve gained since quitting smoking 12 years ago.

The trick at this point is to keep ourselves out of nursing homes for at least 5 years to protect the property sale proceeds from seizure by Medicaid (not Medicare).

We can either do this by staying healthy or dropping dead.

For me, motivation for weight loss is 50% financial and 50% mobility health.