
I finally trimmed the front shrubs but cut my left index finger in the process.

That’s probably why they discourage using an electric hedge trimmer while you’re on a ladder.

Ron helped me bandage it up so I could pick up a bag of produce at the Senior Center, donated by Roche Brothers.

Ron made us a superb salad for lunch!

We hung laundry outside and Ron did a transfer station run.

I figured out the problem with DotDigital that has dogged us for months.

We did a weed shop at the rec marijuana facility on Echo Road. Opening day!

Feed, Mow, A Little Rain, Bad Tooth

I set the mower at 3 inches and glad I mowed yesterday, it’s showering now. Miracle Gro’d the window boxes and the tomato/rhubarb patch.

Teddy has woken up and started barking around midnight for the past two nights. After false starts involving walks and food, we think it’s a signal that he either needs or would benefit from companionship, so Ron kept him company for a while last night. That seemed to work.

Ron had a bad tooth extracted yesterday. He’s in pain and his face is very swollen this morning.

Teddy is Better; Fairy Roses

Took Teddy out twice today. Glad that my stomach behaved so I could give Ron a break, especially after his midnight walk the other night.

Light rain this morning. Not a lot, but happy to see it for the transplants.

Bought tickets for us to attend the Cotuit Historical Society’s strawberry shortcake event this afternoon.

Went to Falmouth for a picture frame.

Ron’s Midnight Run

Teddy had diarrhea yesterday and was barking at 11:15 and midnight last night, so Ron took him out for a walk. Ron brought home some chicken, which I steamed and fed to Teddy last night and this morning. He seems better today, and Ron is happy: he got his stiches removed yesterday at the Osterville Urgent Care Center and got to take a shower today.

I transplanted three perennials yesterday. Two were getting crushed in front of the fence. I moved the third to make room in corner garden. Doesn’t sound like much, but it was a fair amount of work.

I’ve been yanking out junk in the tomato/bean/rhubarb garden.

Peonies are blooming. Ron and I raised the cage around the ones in the front, and they look really good.

Dog officer came by yesterday and explained what we need to do for the quarantine period, i.e., exactly what we have been doing. He has a rescue, too, and is sympathetic, understands that sometimes the only way you can find their buttons is to push one. Says 95% of his calls are rescues. Nice man, what a change from the creep who came to our house a couple of years ago.

Misfits came yesterday so I made a big breakfast for us this morning: pancakes, eggs, stir fry.

Ron wanted to clean the bathroom window sill, but it was a project to get the screen out, took both of us, several screw drivers and silicone spray.

Cicada, Tomato and Squash Flowers

Found a Cicada in the garden next to the driveway/deck steps.

Flowers on one tomato and one squash plant.

Saw bad stuff on one of the tomatoes yesterday so sprayed the vegetable plants this morning. We may get downpours later today but then again, we may not, so figured it was worth doing.

Enjoyed doing word games for a quiet hour or so with Teddy in his run yesterday. Reminded me of good times: I can recreate good memories but in my own yard, without an association with the damnable bitch. That is big.

Graduation Is Over

… and I am relieved. It brought back bad memories of high school and what they now call late adolescence. It was quiet in the neighborhood. No big party next door and the people across the street seemed to be gone for the weekend.

Ron took Teddy for a walk this morning, saving me the bother. I took him for a short one later. Teddy seemed happy to be in his run, at least for a while.

I started cleaning the gutters in the back. Ron was not pleased: surprise! In fact, Ron isn’t pleased with much of what I do these days, whether it’s helping him with his dressings, which we changed this morning, or the settings on the thermostat.

I, Rondromat

Three loads of wash today. I hung one-plus on the clothesline. Perfect day for it: 86 or so.

Ironic that if the federal capital gains tax owed had been what I thought it to be, we’d be paid up by now. Maybe we’ll be done in a year.

Walked Teddy a couple of times, Ron walked him once. His mug arrived yesterday.

All Hell Broke Loose (Again)

Teddy bit Ron TWICE yesterday. The first time when Ron tried to drag him into the house by the halter. I waited for Ron for two hours at the damnable Falmouth walk-in center while he got stiches. His left arm and right leg were injured.

Later, Ron tried to pull out a bath towel that Teddy was resting/sleeping on, and he was bitten again. Ron’s entire left arm is wrapped in ace bandages at this point.

I am ready to rehome Ron.

James has started work at a brand new medical marijuana facility in Sandwich!


Wanted to replace the phlox that I think was destroyed by an overzealous weed killer application so went to Centerville to pick up a big clump that was advertised on Facebook. Returned a library book on the way.

Being near Hyannis, I got thread for mending projects at JoAnne’s and did a small shop at the Marstons Mills Stop & Shop. They carry miso!

Dumped a pile of weeds at the transfer station. Later on, cleaned out the truck.

Ron did laundry and hung the clothes out to dry. Did a pretty good job, too. We took turns walking Teddy.

Putting together paperwork for transfer station stickers, I discovered that Ron let the registration on his van lapse. I renewed it for him online.

Watched a 3-hour Planning Board meeting. Mashpee Commons’ plans to expand have been kicked around since 2018. Still no numbers on how this project will be self-sustaining or its impact on other businesses. Disappointingly, retail seems to be its economic anchor. They are looking for a 25 year contract with the Town and the Cape Cod Commission. Plan to have over 1100 housing units, some of which will be in 4+ story buildings.

Memorial Day Weekend: Flowers, Soup, Rain

The other day, Ron and I dug out piles of aggressive plants from the corner garden. Ron drove to the Wareham Home Depot for mulch and a part for his Dremel.

I brought home a few plants from the Falmouth Garden Club sale at the Museums on the Green on Saturday and flowers and cuke seedlings from the Wholesale Nursery yesterday.

Made whole wheat corn bread and pea soup today. Only two packages of frozen vegetables left from Ron’s mega purchase a few weeks ago.

It rained most of Saturday and a good part of Sunday. Lots of cars at the Commons and Bad Martha’s. Westbound traffic is backed up now between Exits 4 and 5.