Hope This Doesn’t Repeat

Lizzie was up at midnight, standing by our bedroom door, needing to urinate.

That was okay, I let her out and she came right back in.

An hour later, she barked after she Trumped in the kitchen.

It took longer to settle her down that time. She refused to move and kept her hind legs stiff and locked. I brought a couple of rugs up from the basement to give her some footing. Ron helped by talking with her.

She did eventually get up and went back to sleep in the second bedroom, and she was fine this morning. She did a “leak” on her own, and a Trump when Ron took her for a walk.

Welcome, Lizzie

We have a dog again, a 15 year old Standard Poodle who arrived yesterday from Tiverton.

She’s quiet and easy to walk. She likes Teddy’s Hill’s Science Diet. She’s very thin and we’re hoping to build her up a little.

She doesn’t seem to miss her folks; didn’t make a sound her first night here.

I was able to make coffee this morning without dog help, which was a nice surprise.

We had a nice conversation over lunch with her people.

Ron blew my mind by agreeing immediately to keep her. He’s been pushing back pretty hard on getting another dog, but Lizzie won him over.

Sunday, we hauled brush to the transfer station. One more trip tomorrow will do it. It’s nice to not see that giant pile any longer.


Having given up on the chipper, Ron tackled the big brush pile and we were able to squeeze in one trip to the transfer station before it closed.

I had a yen for apple pancakes and was too lazy to shop for pie filling so made it from scratch with apples on hand.

Ron needed meds at Stop & Shop so he brought home groceries.

The owner of the standard poodle called. We may be meeting them on Monday.

I spent a good part of the day watching a video of the Barnstable County Commissioners’ 2 1/2 hour July 2020 meeting on 350 Cape Cod’s climate change petition, as well as trying to better understand the components of County government.

It was much more pleasant outside today, thank goodness.

Another Hot One

Ron did a white wash yesterday.

I went to the main library in Falmouth to get a replacement card and a book on hold.

Picked up sandwiches for our lunch at Coonamessett Farm: excellent.

Ron said he is not ready for another dog. He’s still traumatized from being attacked by Teddy.

We ran out of coffee yesterday. Ron cleverly remembered that we have Peet’s espresso pods, and those worked nicely this morning.

We visited Sturgis Library so I could see their new-ish edible garden. I am wondering how this will thrive with little sun and no irrigation.

Ron bought some books and we did a quick grocery shop on the way back, including egg rolls that made a nice lunch with kale salad.

I uploaded NEPS files for Jim’s review.

Feels Like 123°

Ron went to the redemption center and stopped at a couple of storage facilities to buy a wardrobe box to store his off-season shirts.

At around 11:30 I’d just finished loading the truck for the transfer station. That and making the bed were the only useful things I’d done up to then, and the morning was almost gone.

I was worn out and dazed from even that short exposure to the heat. Finally took a shower, put on clean clothes and did the transfer station run a little after 3. It was miserable, horrible, but also not very busy so the trip went fast.

Ron taped up the wardrobe and we moved his shirts to the attic.

I made a list, finally, of dates that are important to insurance company underwriters (and banks and realtors): roof, plumbing (central), etc., so I won’t have to look these up every time we want to put our coverages out to bid or refinance.

Ron made tomato sauce and pasta for supper!

I had some correspondence with a woman on Nantucket about a dog she is fostering.

Eggs and “Bacon”

It’s true, fried eggs with cheddar cheese and veg “bacon” for breakfast today.

Have been looking at insurance policy quotes this morning. Got some good ones from an agency we haven’t used before. Good excuse to finally figure out my annual mileage: around 5,200.

Peter started a new job this week and is once again working from home.

It’s been muggy for the last few days. Unpleasant but as long as the Brandywines like it, no complaints.

Made stuffed zucchini boats for lunch in the air fryer. Picked up wine, ‘Gansett and lottery tickets at Andy’s.

Ron cut down some dead branches that were hanging precariously. Poor fellow looked like the wrath of G*d by the time he was done.