Ron Falls Down; First Cukes

Ron, chagrined, fell off his bike today.

I sold the broken gold bracelet.

Ron did a load of rondry.

Picked up the receipt from last month’s work at Midas, shopped at Job Lot and got three bags of groceries from the Service Center.

Found and disposed of the odor source in Ron’s van.

Paid bills. IRS started deducting from our checking account. A relief: we don’t have to pay penalties.

First cukes!

Made appointment with Creating Well Being for medical marijuana certification.

We were exhausted, left the kitchen a mess and the laundry in the dryer. Finished up and made coffee this morning. Funny how chores feel like climbing Everest when you’re tired.

Dogs; Bike; Compost

We visited a dog and her owners in West Yarmouth yesterday. Ron was enchanted, I am put off by clinginess. We’re to meet another on Thursday.

Ron saved $10 with S&S gas points.

Ron has decided he loves his bike, even with its drawbacks. Let’s hope he continues to feel this way.

I cleaned out some older compost so we could use the container for grass and clippings.

Ron was sick yesterday morning, probably from the bad rice I stupidly served the prior night. Cindy observed that this was a clever way to do someone in: Arsenic and Old Rice.


Mowed Lawn

Got the back and left side done this morning (Monday).

Beans have started!

Made three medical appointments.

Got a lead on a dog who may be great for us and us for her. We’ll be meeting on Thursday. Her owners want to check us out, which says a lot about them and all of it good.

Made some calls for Cindy today but haven’t yet talked with a person.

Ron is finishing up the power washing of the back gutter!

Sangria; Allergy?

We had a great visit with Cindy yesterday. Made a few hors d’oeuvres and a batch of Sangria from a Rojo suggested by Matt (very good).

Ron did a couple of loads of laundry today and I picked up a PUR water pitcher and a bath mat. Put a salad together for lunch and had a crazy allergy attack. Had to take a generic Benadryl to stop it.

Now I’m ready for a nap. Good thing I finished changing the sheets!


Ron worked in terrible humidity and heat today and power washed the entire front gutter. It can be painted now, and already it looks 1000% better.

I called ARL/Brewster to review Teddy’s meds and his schedule for heartworm and flea/tick. They weren’t especially concerned. They did promise to email a copy of the document we signed. I asked how he was doing, and it sounds like he’s fine. Probably not as attached to us as we were to him. I think I’m ready to move on.

I finally remembered, two weeks late, to replace our transfer station stickers.

While Ron worked on the gutter, I did the transfer station run and some stops in Osterville. Needed some rich neighborhood magic: natural food store, Amie. The farmer’s market was mobbed; I didn’t get anything there.

Stopped off at Rockland this afternoon for cash to tip Nathan (Weed Man) and transfer money to Robert for his birthday.

What’s a Metaphor for Disaster?

We returned Teddy to ARL yesterday.

I hate Ron for this. I wish he’d drop dead so that I could bring Teddy back here.

Brought Ron to the Falmouth ER, still in my pajamas. He got one of his wounds cleaned out. Picked him up later, stopped at Walmart for a new med (visit with doc yesterday for GERD) and requested a transfer of records to a cardiologist in Hyannis. Trifecta in Falmouth, good.

Brought him to Stop & Shop for Tramadol and an antibiotic. Only the antibiotic had been filled. Based on the after-care written information he got at the ER, he thought the PA at Falmouth put a stop to his Tramadol.

I went nuts, talked to one of the Medical Directors who was extremely helpful and sympathetic.

Turns out, his doctor’s office – once again – failed to call the pharmacy.

I’m done. This screwed up my plans to visit gardens in Eastham today, but to be honest, I wasn’t much in a mood to “intrude” on the idle (or worse, new) rich.

Have been having a great dialogue, on the phone and on Facebook, with a sympatico woman in her 70’s in Mashpee. We agree on the state of the Town in every way we’ve discussed so far.


I’m feeling it more and more these days. Not envy or jealousy. It’s taken a while to figure out, and maybe I was able to do so because there’s so much of it in the Boomer versus Millenials versus Gen X recent social warfare.

I resent people with money because having it depends so much on luck. Born with the right looks and/or the right name, for one thing.

Anger, indignation at unfair treatment underlies resentment.

A lot of it is fully justified, even from the Trumpists.

The question is, what to do about it. Would elimination of quotas and preferences do it, or would we need an overhaul of our economic system, a guaranteed monthly income, for example?

We have a guaranteed monthly income, but that doesn’t make me feel better about our circumstances. We can pay our bills and even afford an extra or two from time to time, like Ron’s bike.

I’m not sure why I always feel like I’m missing something, like forgetting a memory that is major, important and consoling.

Did He Kill the Vacuum?

I just paid to have the Hoover repaired (new belt) and this morning, I smelled burning as Ron was vacuuming.

Turns out, there was a cord stuck in the roller, and Ron was oblivious to any sign of trouble: loud noise, burning smell and worst of all, smoke.

Most of our plants survived yesterday’s big winds. Stupidly, I forgot to anchor the tomatoes, and we lost a couple of big branches with flowers. I was able to tie up around seven others. Glad to have the extra ones from Jen’s farm.

We have lots of squash flowers. The St. Johnswort and Potentilla are blooming, too. Nice to see the bright yellows.

I made some stovetop biscuits this morning, a green salad yesterday. Made some good oatmeal/cranberry/walnut cookies and tapioca as well. A small lasagna’s in the oven now.

We are recovering from Ron’s unexpected draws on the joint account so are trying to keep from spending until this Wednesday. Thus, my from-scratch desserts and baking.

Two Walks; Pea Blossoms

Ron mowed, walked Teddy and did laundry yesterday. I took Teddy out twice this morning.

We’re waiting for the predicted tropical storm conditions.

I’ve been spared requests from MRS this week.

Got squash and pea blossoms. Tomatoes are slow.

Teddy Hates Fireworks; Salads

I was up with Teddy through two hours of local fireworks and then outside from 11:20 to 11:50 on the night of July Fourth.

I hate human beings.

Have been making cold salads the last couple of days. Turning out pretty well.

Only found one film that interested me at the Woods Hole Film Festival, and it’s available online, which is fantastic. Bought a ticket today.

Called for an appointment with a new cardiologist today.