
It’s a hotdish when it’s an entree and a casserole if it’s a side.

I made the Tim Walz Tater Tot version yesterday, and it turned out pretty well.

We placed the living room air conditioner on the furniture mover and stored it in the living room closet.

Binged on “The Good Fight”.

This morning I removed and cleaned the second and third bedroom a/c’s and stored them in the second bedroom closet.

Nice to have our windows back! Also nice to have convenient places to store the air conditioners.

We’re really enjoying the mini split.

Received the third electric bill of $0 after installing the solar panels.

Went through piles of paperwork. Pulled out anything to do with home improvements, the truck, taxes, solar, LIHEAP and HMLP.

Baited and set the mouse traps in the kitchen.

Odds and Ends

Picked up the check for the driveway project in Pittsfield. Skipped the drawing session at the Clark, running late; decided to drive up Greylock via the Lanesboro road on the way back. Didn’t bother to go to the summit, got some nice pix from overlooks. Prettiest foliage? North Adams by far.

Log Lunch was postponed for Mountain Day.

Endorsed the check, dropped it off for our contractor.

Booked an appointment for the roof repair. Got in touch with our home inspector about doing a follow-up.

Did a transfer station and a redemption center run. Got wine at West’s and OTC eye drops at CVS.


We drove to the summit. Beautiful air but cold. Overcast so colors were muted but still gorgeous views. We enjoyed the road from and back to Williamstown. I may try to go back if it clears up tomorrow; am guessing Saturday will be insane.

Heard from Jen, they are fine post-Milton, no damage.

Restless sleep last night, had a recurring dream which I don’t remember right now but was a little disturbing. Wrists still bothering me a little. Hope I can do the drawing session tomorrow at the Clark.

Got a good deal at CVS on an eye treatment recommended by Dr. Ogiste.

Garage Windows, The Clark

I washed the 8 garage door windows and the back door windows yesterday.

Picked up meds and a few odds and ends at Walmart.

A chipmunk was running around the sunroom! He made it to the garage, I opened the far door for it, hope it left.

On the way to the Clark, stopped for free flowers offered by a generous neighbor. Very glamorous arrangement!

Enjoyed The Art of Orientation: Getting to Know the Northern Berkshires and an exhibit of work by Guadeloupe artist Guillaume Lethiere and contemporaries at the Clark.


We are feeling better. Ron mowed front and back yesterday and I’ve cooked main dishes from old vegetables two days in a row: cabbage/lentil soup and eggplant/tomato pie. We’ve been keeping up with dishes and laundry.

We attended a concert at the Clark last Saturday and the North Adams Fall Foliage Parade on Sunday.

I’ve been “radishing” Ron; he says he enjoys it.

Wanted to go to a jazz concert in Pittsfield but was too tired.

Transfer Station

I made two trips with the truck yesterday, the first to empty the back and the second to dispose of trash, recyclables and compost materials.

We watched the entire vice presidential debate. I was impressed with the civility and it seems most if not all opinion writers were as well.

We are still sick.

Financial Tasks

It took a while to organize, but I submitted two requests for funds today.

The first was a claim to my health insurance company. They will reimburse the fee for the Fall CSA as a wellness incentive.

The second was the paperwork for fuel assistance.

I mailed the fuel assistance packet at the post office. Then picked up a couple of COVID testing kits at Town Hall.

My test is still positive. Maybe that’s why my brain seems addled and easily confused.

Picked up soup and cranberry juice at Dollar General.

Brought home free flowers from a house on North Hoosac: white roses and baby’s breath.

Got a thoroughly offensive, stupid request from Lemonade to document the improvements I’ve had done to the property.

Meanwhile, Ron looked for help turning off the tv, then when I “failed” to do so in seconds, shot a second demand at me to change the batteries on the remote. I exploded. What an asshole!


We watched the Jets/Broncos game, 60 Minutes and an episode of “The Good Fight”. Ron is rooted to his chair. I made him some eggs and a bagel. Made us a cold black bean/tomato/corn salad.

Completed a form to get reimbursed for the Fall CSA from Health New England.

Washed the mattress cover. Changed the sheets.

Wrists still hurting; less congestion.

Ventured Forth

This morning listened to a presentation by Rachel Maddow and Tony Kushner at the Authors Guild WIT Festival in Lenox.

The most recent CDC guidelines call for ending quarantine so long as you’re not running a fever and symptoms have improved.

So I put on a mask and a Pride shirt and did a small grocery run at Stop & Shop.

Got some nice smiles, realized afterwards it was likely the shirt.

While we listened to Rachel Maddow’s podcast “Bagman”, I peeled and sliced the pile of apple drops brought home from the Williamstown Food Pantry. Made a crisp from a commercial topping mix – too lazy to measure and clean up from-scratch.

Ron has been moping around all day. He did finally dispose of the dead mouse and trap that was on the cellar stairs.

I sat outside for a while; nice day.

HMLP Paperwork

It really is never-ending. I needed to get an invoice, then two. Picked them up from Matt at our cloak-and-dagger drop-off point; signed, scanned and emailed them to Berkshire Planning.

Deck carpentry specialist came by to take measurements and outline a plan to repair and renew the deck. I liked his upbeat attitude, and his advice made sense.

Decided to stay home rather than see the HEAT people at the Senior Center wellness fair or attend the Log Lunch. Still not 100%. The COVID test kit, which may or may not be working but I’m pretty sure is, registered positive. I still have a fair amount of congestion, although it has been draining.

I would have felt guilty if COVID takes over the Senior Center or Williams College. This way, if it happens, wasn’t my fault!

Helped Ron with McAfee settings this morning and accessed his credit card accounts so he could make a payment. Been helping him with laundry and dishes this week, keeping it small and simple. He’s much better today, still on the mend.