Airhead Ad

Too cutesy for words, the latest ad campaign from Apple for their new laptop, the MacBook Air, views like pure parody.
In fact, some of the actual parodies on YouTube do a better job of pushing the product, maybe because they don’t insult us with yet another “girl singing baby-talk” music track.
Whoever thought up the revolting trend of using cloying, overly-high-pitched female singing voices in TV ads should be permanently banned from the industry. I mean it.
It’s bad enough that radio ads have used “little people” to mimic kids voices for years. Adults can’t seem to reproduce the cadence of a child’s speaking voice, and certainly not the charm.
Instead you end up with something that sounds like that ridiculous speech from Forrest Gump, the one about life being a “box of chok-lits”, that makes you want to punch the speaker in the mouth, just to shut them up.
Thank goodness for mute buttons.