The Latest Hysteria

How predictable: the Bush administration and the Archdiocese of Boston, the employers of choice for baldfaced liars and child molesters, respectively, are shocked, shocked that the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court has said that gay people can get married.
I really don’t get it, folks. I don’t understand how allowing people who have established committed relationships, some involving the raising of children, to be bound by the legal responsibilities of marriage is a bad thing.

As a character said the other night on “Law and Order”, “let them be as miserable as the rest of us”.
Furthermore, it seems to me that the government (or in the case of Massachusetts, the “govvMITT”) has no business defining a legal entity, i.e., marriage, based on what bodily parts one consenting adult human can insert (or not insert) into another. It’s none of their bloody business, as far as I’m concerned, and I find the whole thing offensive.
As far as I can tell, successful marriages endure because the partners involved have mastered the skills of negotiation and compromise, and because they share core values about lifestyle, the having and raising of children, religion, and money management.
I’m not sure, but it seems this institutional outrage has nothing to do with “family values” and everything to do with irrational hostility to people who engage in homosexual sex, as if permitting gay couples to get married would force the rest of us to watch their bedroom behavior.
I think Bush, Romney, Tommy “Taxes” Finneran and Archbishop Sean P. O’Malley suffer from overactive, prurient imaginations.
Heaven help us, in this case, I’m with Dick Cheney, who says that people should be open-minded about gays. And he speaks with more knowledge and more personal investment in the matter than any of the above: he has an openly gay daughter.