No Good Deed Goes Unpunished

It was inevitable, I guess: you and me, the taxpayers, are being sued by one of the Louisiana evacuees who we have housed, fed and clothed this past month at Camp Edwards.

Allen “Tat2” Gubser of New Orleans has been asked to leave the military base because of “repeated disruptive behavior”, including “frequent” drunkenness, getting into arguments and threatening other people with his dog.
This is the same Allen Gubser who had served a seven-year sentence for drug violations and three years for assault and battery with a dangerous weapon. He was released from prison in 2001 and claimed in an interview that he’d not been in trouble with the law since.
Gubser and his pregnant girlfriend, Karen, have been the subject of at least two gushing interviews in both the local paper, the Cape Cod Times, and the Boston Globe, telling reporters that they wanted to stay in Massachusetts.
Upon his eviction from “Edwards Village”, Gubser was told he could go anywhere in the US, so the Salvation Army ponied up the cash to send Gubser, Karen and their dog to San Francisco.
Naturally, he’s threatening to file a lawsuit. For what and against whom was not explained, but is this really a big surprise? Allen Gubser knows a sucker when he sees one, and he’ll probably get a settlement of some kind, payable from the state treasury, aka the Romney for President fund.
Thanks a lot, Mitt. Good luck, Arnold. And you’re welcome, “Tat2”.