
If you’ve been patient enough to be a regular reader of this blog, you know my opinion on the adoption of children.
Unfortunately, you don’t have to look very hard, or even make a conscious effort, to find cases where adoptees have been mistreated, abused or murdered by those responsible for their care.

The reason for this is that adopted children are often considered possessions, not people. A possession may not function as the purchaser expects. Absent a return policy or a warranty, the response of the purchaser is, too often, disappointment and even rage.
The media – in this case, CNN – does the public an important service by revealing the ugly reality of adoption. Too often, this trade in human life is over-sentimentalized by those with a vested interest in maintaining this 1.4 billion dollar a year business.
This is the story of Alex, a 6 year old boy from Russia who was beaten to death in the month following his adoption.
Let us only hope that justice – whether in a courtroom or a jailhouse – is meted out appropriately to the perpetrator.