Can’t Imagine Why….

The Census Bureau reported yesterday that Black and Asian women with bachelor’s degrees earn more than “similarly educated” White and Hispanic women.
White men, of course, make more than anyone else*. As much as a whopping 77 PERCENT more.

Economists and sociologists can’t quite put their finger on why this is, though.
In the CNN story on the report, the reasons offered by the “experts” are (of course) that White women are lazy and unmotivated: the “experts” suggest (i.e., there is no proof) that maybe Black women work more hours, or return to the workforce sooner after childbirth. They cite the “historically important role” of the female wage earner in Black families.
When hypothesizing why Black, Asian and Hispanic men make less than White men, though, the same “experts” claim the disparities are due to “workplace discrimination and the continuing difficulties of minorities to get into higher-paying management positions”.
Take a look at the numbers*. Note the staggering differences between what men of any race make versus White and Hispanic women, who are at the bottom of the earnings totem pole.
Might the “experts” use the “D” word to explain this?


White 66,390 37,761
Black 45,635 41,066
Asian 52,508 43,656
Hispanic 49,298 37,550
All 63,084 38,447
Source: Census Bureau