Snow, More Snow

The Boston area has broken records going back over 100 years for total snowfall in a single month.
We hear that somewhere in Eastern Massachusetts, people are frolicking under a sunny sky. But here in Mudville, or maybe it’s Siberia, it is STILL SNOWING, and there is no joy as a result.

Don’t get me wrong, it could be worse. We could be POWs or even ordinary GIs who have to eat, sleep and perform our daily ablutions in the stuff.
We can go inside for a hot cup of tea and dry socks, even put on the TV or radio, or (for some of us) write code and even surf the Web.
I for one am sick of it, though, and I wish it were April or even March. We’ve had 3 storms since Christmas that deposited a total of 5 feet of the nasty stuff. And this current snowfall is the back-breaking straw.
In fact, nothing good has come out of this except for a memorable comment from my oldest grandchild about following tracks that were made either by a Yeti or someone wearing “those tennis raquet things”.
Come to think of it, even his clever description of snowshoes doesn’t cheer me up right now.