Missed Friday Five’s

The last two weeks, from Live Journal:
It’s the “stranded on a desert island” question! You can only take one thing from each category. What is it and why are you taking it?

A food that can be planted and regrown.
A person you haven’t seen in a long time.
My old friend Priscilla Vaughn Walsh. She would not only be great company, she’s one of the most resourceful people I know.
A book you (were) read as a child.
Don’t remember.
A celebrity.
Harlan Ellison.
The entire episode run of a television show (it’s a very nice desert island).
Sex and the City
1. Do you believe in good and/or bad luck?
2. Do you believe there is one man/woman luckier than all the rest?
My friend Candace Mary had bad luck as a kid and a young adult, but she’s very lucky now.
3. When was the last time you considered yourself lucky?
This past weekend, met a lot of great people.
4. What is the most unlucky thing to ever happen to you?
Being born to parents who didn’t want me and then adopted by people for whom I was “second best”.
5. Where do you think luck (good or bad) comes from?
Honestly? I think it’s karma for good/bad deeds in a former life.