
We’ve started to see Spring colors in the landscape, yellow from the forsythia and daffodils planted by the thousands in numerous public areas; purple hyacinths, vinca and even violets; blue from Pulmonaria and miniature hydrangeas in flower boxes; white and pink.

The red maples have just started to bloom. The lawns are green, and some of the grass is even tall enough for mowing. The rose bushes have leaved, maybe we’ll have a good crop of flowers this summer.
Watching Nature’s cycle provides a sense of order and reason when human institutions so often fail.
One of the Boston papers, The Herald, has been commendably aggressive in reporting one such massive failure on the part of the legal system, the incomprehensible inability to protect the public from one Michael Bizanowicz, currently being tried for the murder of two innocents, including a 12 year old girl.
This – creature – has a violent criminal record of over 20 years, starting in 1981. He’s been classified a level 3 sexual offender, yet “the system”, its primary agent the state Parole Board, has managed to coddle and protect this murderer and child molester since 1989, when he sexually assaulted a 2 year old girl.
The trail of bureaucratic ineptitude is breathtaking and damning. In spite of the efforts of the police and even certain judges, the Probation department allowed Bizanowicz to violate his parole numerous times, never supporting recommendations and requests that he be held.
Bizanowicz’s biggest inconvenience during his latest reign of terror starting in March 2001 was the posting of a $300 bond last June, six months before the murders in January 2003 of Joanne and Alyssa Presti.
Probation Commissioner John J. O’Brien has nothing to say about this, maintaining his 3-month stonewalling of the press and the public.
So, here’s a question for Governor Mitt Romney, that brave champion of public morality who is working so hard to “protect” the institution of marriage from intrusion by gay men and women:
Why does this jerk O’Brien and his henchman still have their jobs?