Another Christmas under our belts, with a 4-6 inch snowstorm predicted for tonight into tomorrow morning.
Pre-New Year’s Thoughts, Part I
I’ve been sorting through old paperwork – not my favorite chore – and ran across an essay by Susan Polis Schutz on “People Who Achieve Their Dreams”.
The original is a tad sanctimonious (“They never have excuses for not doing something”) and more than a tad unrealistic (“They never consider the idea of failing”).
Even so, there are enough really good thoughts here that I’m copying a good portion of Ms. Schutz’s original, with some thoughts (in italics) of my own.
I generally don’t look forward to Christmastime, but this year, things have been pretty good.
The grands and I have been to two nice, walk-around displays of Christmas lights, and, amazingly for a woman “of a certain age”, this has turned into a party weekend with business associates and friends.
Amazing Grace
Interesting, isn’t it, how your perspective can change based on a single incident.
Romantics want to believe in love at first sight, for example.
Social/political behaviorists say that a mugging can turn a Liberal into a Conservative.
This past week, I had a perspective-altering experience that may or may not be permanent. It wasn’t as major as falling in love or being attacked in a dark alley, but for me, it was significant.
Goodbye, Good Riddance
Sean O’Keefe, the administrator of NASA, announced that he is resigning to take a higher-paying job as chancellor of Louisiana State University.
NASA has been a shambles, and part of the responsibility is O’Keefe’s: the shuttle Columbia disaster happened over a year after his appointment. An independent agency report laid the blame in part on “slipshod” management.
His departure comes at a particularly good time for supporters of the Hubble Space Telescope. O’Keefe had refused to approve any additional missions to keep the Hubble in repair “for safety reasons”. This was a killing blow to researchers who had spent years preparing Hubble-related experiments, and it was seen as yet one more assault by the Bush administration on the scientific community.
Last week, the National Academy of Sciences released a report stating that NASA should use astronauts to keep the Hubble in orbit. This is supported by members of Congress like Senator Barbara Mikulski, who was instrumental in getting $300 million earmarked for the Hubble in NASA’s current budget.
Exploration of the cosmos may be the most meaningful legacy our incomprehensibly corrupt government leaves to future generations. Let’s hope that the next person at the helm at NASA is committed to the advancement of scientific knowledge instead of marking time until a better-paying job comes along.
Sam the Man
Bush may have finally gotten it right by nominating Sam Bodman as the new Secretary of Energy.
I’m a Lumberjack
For reasons unknown, when I’m on a coding jag, my body temperature plummets.
Added to this, we had an especially cold day yesterday, so I threw on a red and black plaid flannel on the way to the office.
I’m lucky to work in exceptionally nice digs, the ground floor of a huge lakeside house, with hardwood floors, a bank of working windows, and a gorgeous view.
Because it’s so close to the lake, though, the office does tend to be on the chilly side.
What’s Going On at the New York Times?
For the past two days, the New York Times has run editorials, one from Maureen Dowd and this morning’s, from David Brooks, that read like fodder from a ladies’ magazine.
The local paper had a special insert this week, a report on the FY 2005 property valuations in Mashpee. This provoked a lively discussion at work, with joy on the part of homeowners not on fixed incomes, and consternation from those not yet in the housing market.
Young Programmers, Redux
I never did post a follow-on to report on the visit to Falmouth High School this past Thursday.
My colleague from WHOI and I had 7 more or less disinterested souls for our presentation, plus a bewildered English teacher who’d been recruited as our “guide”.