A lot of Bush’s support comes from the Christian Right.
A lot of Bush’s support comes from people who he and his cronies have terrified with their terrorist boogeyman stories.
So, riddle me this: if someone is a “Christian” right-winger, don’t they KNOW where they are going when they die?
No wonder they are so terrified: imagine what G*d Almighty has in store for them as payback for their anti-woman/jihadist/racist/anti-intellectual and generally hateful ways.
And I don’t think it’s a covey of virgin brides, either.
Summer’s Gone
Well, it’s finally here, the Tuesday after Labor Day, and there were a lot of glum faces at the final cookout of the season at my neighbor’s house last night.
Got IQ?
Recently at work, we rehashed our options regarding a piece of source code which my company bought largely on trust, without understanding what exactly differentiates its workings from an earlier version that we (meaning I) have been slicing and dicing for the last couple of months.
Mud & Manure
As a gardener, I resent the bad rap that mud and manure got this week as a result of their misuse at the Republican National Convention.
Dear Senator Kerry
Well, it’s ABOUT TIME – thank you, Senator Kerry, for finally engaging the Republican attack machine in your Ohio speech.
Gardener’s Diary/Weekend Recap
I’m almost done replanting the rest of the flower boxes on the porch.
A meander down 6A from Dennis to Peter’s house included a productive stop at the County Farm, where I picked up two nice, bushy (you should forgive the phrase) impatiens. A couple of six packs of fall pansies should finish off the job.
Cost of Living
I know a lot of Cape Codders who are thinking or at least dreaming about moving further South.
And by South, I don’t mean Rhode Island.
Cricket Season
Around here, comes August, come the crickets.
Last year, I had an invasion of the little buggers in the basement, and I grew to hate their miserable chirping, amplified by the unfinished cement floors and walls.
Oh, Canada….
And one had hope that somewhere in North America, judges have the decency to protect children with the one weapon at their disposal: levying meaningful consequences for abuse and neglect.
Fat f* chance.
It’s Still A Mystery
I still have a hard time understanding why Bush’s support, especially among veterans, is so high. I can’t imagine any man admiring Bush as a role model, but many millions do.