Cookout at the Senior Center; Ron Conquers the Tree (Branch)

We enjoyed veg burgers at the Senior Center – thoughtful bunch, it helps that the director is also veg – and a talk by the director of Remedy Hall.

Ron cut up the substantial felled tree branch with his electric saw, which amazed me. He’s good at figuring out how to do this without putting himself in harm’s way.

I finally got my new Rudbeckia in the ground, a three day process, but I’m happy with the placement. The poor thing was pretty badly rootbound. Sprinkled more deer repellent around the new transplants.

Long conversation with Ron tonight about why I didn’t resent him for leaving me and Peter when he was little but felt he shortchanged us by not wanting to know us when Peter was a teenager.

I figure even if we’d gotten together in our fifties we would have been better off financially and equally importantly, shared experiences that he squandered with other women.

Ultimately, he has no good explanation for why this didn’t happen; rather, the same old saw about alcoholism, guilt and the Catholic Church. As if the Catholic Church doesn’t offer redemption.

Got an annoying email from the people who administer the home improvement grant I applied for. Depending on their reply, I may forget about it.