Searching for Calcium; Ding Dong Ditch

There seems to be a run on calcium supplements. Yesterday we went to the Walmart in North Adams but they were out of the 220 tablet option so I ordered some along with socks, to be delivered tomorrow.

Yesterday was not good for me. The doc called to report that I have “severe” osteoporosis and am at risk for fractures; thus, the search for calcium. He’s scheduling me for an infusion. Sounds like not a lot of fun but if it helps prevent a broken hip, it’d be worth it.

We stopped at the Food Project for lunch, which was as always very good. Brought home bread and a zuke.

Although he’s promised not to when we’re together, Ron got involved in several long conversations at the Food Project and Walmart.

I went ballistic, partly from irritation with Ron, worry about my new diagnosis and tiredness from the activities the day before. Ron’s snotty insistence that I don’t understand his chattiness because he loves people and I don’t infuriated me even more. I think he likes to show off, be the center of attention and stage-manage interactions.

Turns out this is only partially true. Living a very small town, his parents were in the habit of chatting with friends when they were out doing errands. Since both parents had their own groups of friends, neither would feel left out or neglected if one of them started a conversation; there were always friends around for the other.

While we were watching the news, the little boys decided to play Ding Dong Ditch on us. Instead of running away, though, they stuck around, laughing merrily. Love them!

Between one thing and another, we stayed up late last night, 10:30 for me and midnight for Ron.

It is raining right now and I’m grateful. Didn’t water yesterday, Nature is helping at the perfect time.