I hate champagne; successful inspection

Ron poured us a couple of glasses of Barefoot (ugh) Extra Dry champagne last night.

I was up three times, hurting.  At one point, I couldn’t get warm.  The nausea was awful.

Aside from that debacle, yesterday was pretty good for us.  We got an okay from the insurance company inspector and picked up a new smoke detector and two outdoor mats for Edgewater.

We had lunch and did a shop at Market Basket.

Peter had help from James and Robert, but he hurt his back moving boxes and old computer equipment in preparation for the inspection.  We happened to pass him going toward Hyannis.  He called us a minute or two later to see if we could take Emme to JRI because his back was making it impossible for him to drive.

I was thrilled when Emme told us that she really likes their house now!