Lots To Write About

I gave notice Thursday.

Yesterday, Ron and I worked outside for most of the day, trying to prepare for the rain storm that never came.

He put up shelves in the shed and we started to organize the stuff that has been a jumble.

I put down most of the compost, some 5-10-5 and the mulch. Did some pruning. We both watered.

Today I doused the two little rhodies with insecticide. Unfortunately, I can’t use this type on the little maple tree because it’s in the veggie garden. So, I removed the moth caterpillars by hand.

Bought four heirloom tomatoes for $6 total at the Master Gardeners’ plant sale. I let them stay out in the shade for several hours and put them in the cold frame for the night.

Spent the morning with Candy, which was a great surprise. I delivered some packages that were left across the street for her yesterday.

We went to a terrible lecture on garden design at Highfield. Fortunately, I hadn’t paid for our tickets.

Afterwards, we went to the plant sale. Candy bought a sedum and stopped by here for a visit. She took me to lunch at Laurie’s; BLT sandwiches, great!

Got a call at 12:30 am this morning from Robert. He was in terrible pain, Bonnie and Peter were on their way back from Boston, and he needed to get to Cape Cod Hospital. Emme came with us.

We got there about 15 minutes ahead of B&P, long enough to get him checked in and resting. I brought Emme home and got back here around 2:30 am.

Had been so tired from working outside that I’d fallen asleep without brushing my teeth or getting myself cleaned up. Felt good to shower this morning!

We love our Graber shades.

Got my new bluetooth mouse today. It’s a dandy.