
I transferred holiday money to Em this morning and mailed the boys their checks yesterday.

Dropped off a letter for the lad who loves science, also yesterday.

This morning, stuffed, stamped and mailed holiday greetings to our shortened 20-address list.

Brought goodies to the writing group this past Wednesday.

Gave Ron his presents: the chart of human civilizations and nicely repaired clothing, including a long sleeved shirt, a jeans shirt-jack and a gorgeous Pendleton Black Watch plaid robe.

I don’t want to do any more for pagan winter worship ripoff holidays.

I started to feel tired late morning and slept until 12:15. Felt vaguely ill so cancelled and rescheduled the follow-up appointment with my doctor that was supposed to happen at 1. Felt better after Ron made soup and grilled cheese half sandwiches for us and after a couple more hours of rest.

No word yet from Greylock about their incomprehensible request to be first payee on…something.

Holiday cards drifting in one or two at a time.