Saturday: A1, Mowing, Rain

The stinking compost in the big elevated bed is still a mess. I tried breaking it up and mixing it. Put compost starter on it and hoping for the best.

Stored the extra bag of soil and peat moss in the outer shed until the stench goes away. Supposed to rain in a couple of hours and I didn’t want to leave the wheelbarrow out. Moved the good tomato plants and the basil to the table.

Ron had a minor mishap with the downstairs toilet. A1 took care of it. Ron didn’t seem to mind paying a premium for emergency service. I’ve been wanting that drain looked at for a while so offered to share the expense but he wouldn’t have it. At least not for now, we’ll see.

Drawer fits perfectly in the end table in the “guest room”.

Yesterday the basement cleanup person messaged to let us know that because of travel time, they’d be charging around $500 and did we still want to go ahead. We didn’t and thanked them for letting us know.

I wish Em/Bennett were here to help me with wall decorations.

Rain began around 4. Luckily, Ron finished mowing front and back beforehand. Bell and I made bubbles until it started to pour. Didn’t do much of anything after that.