Window Sashes; Driveway!

We brought the top sash to Dave to extract the pivot bars. He installed a couple of new ones, but they seem to be too short.

We were able to put both sashes back but the top doesn’t “hold”. I sent a picture to an online supply house, hope to get an answer back in a few days.

Meanwhile, received word that our second grant proposal was approved! Christine will visit tomorrow to take pictures. I broke open the bubbly but had forgotten to take my meds until afternoon. Uh oh.

The photo of Trump and his bimbo supporters at ANC sent me into a rage. Those bimbos posing with a rapist/felon with their thumbs up at a gravesite: what does that mean, they’re glad their family member is dead?

Ron can’t explain why I was not good enough for him but a diseased adulteress with a thieving boyfriend was. He has no answer and it drives me nuts.

I wanted to celebrate anyway so picked up a pizza at Olympia.