
Today was productive. I moved the neighbor’s intact trash to the curb; it was picked up later in the day.

Washed the dehumidifier filter.

I got the smaller raised garden bed put together and removed most of the mildew from the shaded side of the deck. Regrettably, I didn’t get all of the mildew, it might take a power wash to do that.

Ron helped tighten screws on the raised bed and criticized everything I’d done, of course. He is ungracious and a bully.

The application for HMLP is done. At least I hope it is. There was a last minute nitpick about the schedule which all four of us squared away. The contractor has had the patience of a saint. I hope the job will be worth it for him – and us.

Ron did errands and spent money at rkMiles when he didn’t have to.