
Ron worked on restoring the extension cord that I cut. I unclogged the shop vac, cleaned the sunroom floor and unpacked the raised bed. Back was killing me.

Fierce storm came through early evening. We lost power around 6:30.

The house was uncomfortably warm for me and having enough of “sticking it out”, I finally left around 9.

It was extremely fortunate that the tech from Madsen Door had repaired our garage doors the day before. I was able to get the right side door open and manually locked. Dragged Ron out around 9 so we could at least enjoy air conditioning in the Corolla.

There were lights at the College and on Cole and Main Streets but hardly any open businesses. Our neighbor’s restaurant was one of the few and she invited us in for pizza and wine. We kept them, delayed their closing by an hour.

We drove around for a bit after that and took the back road home. There was a crew working on a downed tree on Mass Ave; incredibly, it had happened where the road splits so we were able to go up and around to get past it.

The bedroom still had a bit of residual coolness. The sound of the mini split kicking in woke me a little after midnight.