Humid, Hot

It was 90 degrees in the shade yesterday.

92% humidity this morning.

I fell asleep around 6:30, woke up 11 hours later.

Ron did more gutter work, I think. My only accomplishment was to weed the deck garden, dig out a heavy rock and transplant the cuke seedlings.

Ron treated us to pastry at the A Frame. In spite of the sign requesting one party at a time, a skinny faculty wife-type pried herself in and asserted social superiority by knowingly informing us that the wares are “fresh and delicious” and cash is the only thing they accept for payment (wrong, in fact, they do take checks). I told her “We’re aware. You must be from South Williamstown.”

Ron laughed.

We picked up freebies from the motel next to Town Hall: a piece of lattice, a folding twin bed frame that fits in the garage for storage and a suitcase holder. Unfortunately, we’d missed a gorgeous wardrobe earlier in the week: too heavy for us to move.

This morning, Nick the mason and his friend motorcycled here to prettify the top step of the new concrete stairs. Good to see them.

I overcame inertia long enough to go to the bank, fold laundry, make a rhubarb/apple pie and a summer squash/tomato/cheese casserole and turn the water on for the corner garden.

I did a last look at the HMLP application, need one more piece of documentation before dropping it off tomorrow in Pittsfield.