Supreme Court Favors Trump: Again

So it’s up to Judge Chutkan to suss out whether Trump’s actions around the 2020 election are official or unofficial acts.

She’s already given Trump’s lawyers 90 days to prepare for trial, i.e., until October 1. It’s unlikely that a trial would conclude before November 5.

Wish I knew how many of the six Republican-appointed judges on the Court are actually morally corrupt, in particular Barrett, Kavanaugh and Roberts. The other three reek of it.

Uneventful weekend except for Ron’s freakout over his computer.

This morning we were able to log in to his bank account on my laptop and pay a bill that he’s been fretting over.

I planted the Spirea yesterday just before a good rain. So far, it has not been bothered by deer or rabbits. Unfortunately, the same cannot be said for the asters.

Dug up one of the old roses.

I ordered an elevated cedar planter for vegetables and herbs.

Put together the NOK box folders and labels.

Hauled the A/V equipment into the living room. Might motivate us to at least try to connect it all. Did a little cleanup in the sunroom.

I applied for a job at Williams College.

Ron brought his Mac’s power cord to Computer Bug and paid for our 2024-25 transfer station stickers at Town Hall.

Leftover enchiladas, Caesar salad and store-bought cupcakes for lunch.