Finance By the Skin of My Teeth

I transferred funds from G savings and Home Equity accounts to cover $1,300 in checks drawn today on my checking account.

H boosted my line of credit and I used part of it to beef up the G account, which was decimated by today’s payment to the mason and a check written earlier this month to the oil company, down to $11.43.

G is considered a “co-op shared branch” with H. This means that I can make withdrawals from my H accounts at a G ATM without a service fee. So, I can deposit cash to my G account for immediate credit, so long as I make the deposit with a teller.

I transferred funds electronically as well.

We did a transfer station run, too, paper, recyclables and actual trash.

Ron had a fine time pulling a pile of weeds that were in the back of the yard.

The stairs are done. I started some cleanup, the hope being to put in a shade garden in that corner of the yard.