
The workers from the rental company installed our new frig and helped us move the old one out and back so we could unplug it. They also helped us move the kitchen table and switched the doors so it opens to the left instead of the right: good guys.

It’s great to have a working unit again.

I went food shopping and made lunch, soup from a package, Horiatiki salad, biscuits from S&S and ice cream.

Also ordered a sewing machine from Walmart that should arrive here in a couple of days. It’s just been too hard to do hand sewing.

This experience of living for days without a working refrigerator has given me pause to reflect on a comment I read a long time ago that we Americans refrigerate too many things unnecessarily.

We managed to use several dairy products without harm, for example, even though they were sitting in temperatures over 40 degrees. We haven’t refrigerated butter for years.

We did leave eggs in the non-working refrigerator, and I hope they are still good.

European countries have different food processing methods and maybe that’s why they aren’t as fussy as our nutrition and public health experts are.