
Day six and my left leg feels a bit better. Talk about a long recupe.

Ron started sanding the long baseboard in the third bedroom.

I finally ordered bedroom slippers, looking forward to tossing the “Friends” scuffs.

Also ordered blinds for the kitchen and living room windows, three in all.

Taped and primed the unfinished trim in the hallway.

Grateful that the furnace has been running. Should be able to get the new tank installed soon.

Brought back some of yesterday’s produce after Ron refused to help prepare it. Tired of trying to cook with a bad leg. Kept the stuff that I like, including some adorable mini cauliflowers and shallots.

Picked up a case of Narragansett in Pownal. After he dry mopped the floor, the store owner carried it to the car for me!

Attended a fine presentation by a Williams College Stats major on “A New Linear Rank-Type Test for Interval-Censored Survival Data Based on A Proportional Odds Model”.

I bought myself a smoothie and an apple cider donut for Ron at Lickety Split, then a half dozen ears of corn at Chenail’s. Very Williamstown.