Mulch and Deductible: Gone

I forgot to unload the mulch from the rental, and it’s been leased by another customer. Thought I’d lost the camp chairs, too, but someone put them in the garage before I returned the car. Making too many mistakes recently.

Checked with MassMOCA, which owns the parking lot on Marshall Street, to see if they have a video camera that might have recorded the fender-bender, but no luck. Everyone I called to track down the responsible party was extremely nice, which is a consolation: the funeral home, the Social Security office and finally, museum security.

We missed outdoor frolicking this week, either because events were canceled due to weather or even if they were “on”, we didn’t want to get drenched.

Painters have pretty much finished the first coat on the third bedroom and started on the hallway. They are good guys, easy to have around. Carpet installer has been MIA.

I started moving living room furniture around last evening, did a little more this morning. It’s better, less disheveled, but would go too far to say it looks good.

Ron drove us to Bennington for errands at Walmart and Home Depot. Got covers for the new outlets, a couple of on-sale camp chairs, mulch, DEET spray, sandpaper and 75 tulip bulbs.