Stout-Hearted Men

James and his new apprentice, Jake, and Peter are working here today.

James let me go with him to rkMILES so I could buy a new storm door. They had one that’ll work for less than I could find online.

With the emo butterfly for company, I did some weeding of the much-hated fake garlic in the back.

Ron found the missing dresser drawer; it was in his closet. Thank goodness; thought I might have allowed someone to take it home “to work on it”.

I disposed of the non-working mower, brought it to the transfer station.

Picked up lunches, CSA produce and did a small shop at S&S. Filled up the truck at Cumby, bought incense at Wild Soul River.

Peter did a bunch of work. We thought a couple of outside outlets weren’t live, but we’d inadvertently tripped a GFI.

James and Jake got the first header installed!