Dilemma About DEET

I still remember the smug look on the face of a woman who demanded that I stop smoking at an outdoor concert. She was so very, very proud of herself, so full of self-satisfaction. I would bet that if she had been similarly rude to someone who was not a middle-aged White woman, her companions would have shushed her up.

DEET-based insect sprays are the new smoking. At least from the standpoint of some self-righteous so-called environmentalist types.

I recently was called out on an outdoor hike by someone who objected to my using a DEET spray.

Since moving to this “unique environment”, I’ve encountered a whole new set of nasty flying animals that have left scars on my arms. Some holes from insect proboscises are large enough to be seen by the naked eye.

I don’t care about the cosmetic aspect – scars are a badge of honor at my age – but I do care about infection, inflammation and losing sleep.

So, I’m left with a dilemma: do I stop attending outdoor events with strangers or slap on the DEET and risk disapproval?