DVD Player and the Roku TV; Dishwasher

I set up the Roku TV that will go in the guest room and connected DVD player, thus redeeming myself from yesterday’s failure.

I cleaned out the dishwasher filter, which was filthy. Ron ran the machine with a cup of white vinegar and we wiped it down. I’m pleased with the result.

We must have great immune systems, to have survived the scum in the stove, overhead fan, hot water heater, furnace, washing machine and dishwasher.

Gloomy and raw today: 40 but felt much colder. I’d be perfectly happy to read or watch tv and eat bonbons all day, if we had any. I made chocolate pudding; not a bad substitute.

Warmed up by raking the back and side yard, “three bags full” of leaves. Consolidated the piles of sticks as well.