Junk; Linens; Hot Water Tank

I just perused through piles of junk in the room we are calling The Office, hoping to find Ron’s checkbooks.

I’m appalled at the volume of odds and ends, every piece of which represents money wasted.

I did find some of Ron’s checkbooks, in plain view in the Guest Room, along with some of my files, and emptied two more oversized cardboard boxes.

Packed linens into the wardrobe; not organized but at least out of the way for now.

Gorgeous sunrise this morning: pink and blue. Warm spell coming up.

John the plumber from Mr. Rooter just went over options for a new hot water tank; we decided on a 50 gallon, price for removal and installation is fair, and I hope they can install it next week.

Meanwhile, received a 100 gallon oil delivery; last was 24 days ago. Heat is costing about $22/day. Yikes.

Found the last extension phone.

Email correspondence with Cape Cod Five about closing. Returned a call yesterday from Lemonade, left message.