
My grandkids are now in shower-every-day mode, which means that when I mind them in the evening, I get to listen to arguments not only about eating supper (“I hate stew/chicken fingers/vegetables/etc.”) but about bathing (“Why do I have to go first/(sob)But I want to watch this movie/I had a shower already/You did not!/(kick, punch)/Waa!”)
I’m so worn out with this that I’ve taken to bribing them. I only had a five dollar bill and a dollar in change last night, which led to more turmoil (James and Bob fighting to be first/Bob pushes James into the bathroom door/Waa!) and negotiations from Emmeline, the lawyer:
“I was second. That should be worth more than a dollar! At least two dollars! $2.50 for second! Waa!”
I don’t remember any of this when Peter was a kid, which is possibly a good argument for not having more than one child per cognizant adult.