He’s Back

Jay Severin, the right-of-center political analyst turned radio talk show host, cut a profitable deal with his former employer, local station WTKK, who bought out the syndicated version of his “progrum” in order to return him to his old 3-7 late afternoon/early evening slot.

He replaces the sophomoric, predictable Michael Graham, who has been shifted to the 7-10 pm time slot.
Regardless of whether or not you agree with Severin’s opinions, this is good news for anyone who listens to talk during the evening drive time.
Severin has already set his sights on “Devolved” Patrick, and that alone makes his return to local talk welcome news to those of us who don’t drink our politics from a recycled Mike Dukakis Kool Aid bucket.
Between Jay and Howie Carr, the columnist/talk show host who is WTKK’s main drive-time competition and also no friend of Deval’s, things could get interesting in the race for Massachusetts Governor over the next 3+ weeks.