Good Judge, Bad Judge

Ten points to Judge Doyet Early of South Carolina and a slap in the face (or maybe a throttling with a two by four) to Judge Edward Cashman of Vermont for their decisions this week on criminal cases involving assaults on innocent citizens.

Judge Early sentenced five young thugs to prison for their incomprehensible gang assault – the judicial term is “lynching” – of a black teenager.
Calling it like it is, the Judge didn’t mince words: “You’re an embarrassment to the community and yourselves,” Judge Early told the defendants. “You acted in a despicable, cowardly way.”
Meanwhile, up North in supposedly enlightened Vermont, Judge Cashman sentenced a 34 year old man to a ludicrous 60 day sentence for the rape of a little girl; in fact, he molested her on at least three occasions starting when she was age 6.
Some Vermonters are up in arms, calling for the judge’s impeachment and removal from the bench. “This guy has got to go,” state Sen. Wendy Wilton, a Republican, said in a television appearance. “People believe he has flipped his lid.”