Old Meat + Old Carrots = Great Stew

Fearing that my lousy eating habits of late would make me a target for all the sickness that’s going around, I stopped between errands today at one of the local markets, and picked up a nice chuck steak with a $3 off coupon.

This afternoon, I floured and browned the meat, carmelized some onions, and added a couple cubed* ancient carrots, a small can of mushrooms, a can of chopped tomatoes, couple of bay leaves, and a heaping tablespoon of secret seasoning**.
Simmered for a couple of hours and served with homemade biscuits, it made a very passable supper. It’ll be even better tomorrow.
Non sequitur: saw the movie “Hidalgo” last night on TV, TERRIFIC film, based on a real person, Frank Hopkins, about a mythical race, the “Oceans of Fire” in the Arabian desert.
Whether or not the story is true (and it seems pretty sure that it isn’t), it’s still a heck of a yarn, and appropriate for kids, although there are some violent scenes involving people and horses.
The good news is that the horses generally fare better than the people.
*I think carrots taste better this way in stew, rather than cutting them crosswise into pennies. I didn’t have potatoes, but these particular carrots are mealy enough to be a good substitute.
**Garden Harvest Seasoning from Bittersweet Herb Farm in Shelburne, MA