ANOTHER Dog Incident in Dennis

WHAT is wrong with the town of Dennis and their police department?
This is the THIRD incident in a little over a year in which a person has been attacked by dogs in Dennis.

The first two were in October last year, when a 200 pound dog bit one child and attacked another, a 9 year old boy so badly mauled that it was doubtful he would ever regain the full use of his hand.
This past Monday’s attack, by two dogs, was on a 64 year old woman, who required six stitches and 33 staples. The owner sent one of the dogs, a pit bull, out of state for its period of quarantine.
In contrast, this past summer, a Sandwich dog owner whose South African mastiff had attacked her, then escaped for two weeks to wander around at large, voluntarily had the dog euthanized.
The story broke in the same week that Hurricane Katrina hit the Gulf Coast.
In his weekly column, the editor of the local newspaper had this to say:
Those of us who work on editorial pages in newspapers across the country are always surprised by the reaction of readers to certain stories. There could be a major hurricane that claims the lives of hundreds of people, a war overseas, the closing of a local military base, but if a dog is euthanized by its owners, then it’s time to become indignant. We received more letters about the demise of Draco, the dog that attacked its owners in Sandwich, than any other subject this week.
No doubt, some of these must have come from the good citizens of Dennis.