Note from Bob

My 9-year-old grandson, Bob, comes from a family where it is expected that children will have a firm command of written English.
That’s what happens, I guess, when your Dad writes for a living and your Mom was a newspaper reporter in a former life.

A couple of weekends ago, Bob was here on an overnight. He left me a note which I’ve saved because of the curious juxtaposition of adult-level turns of phrase written in a young child’s hand.
Also, I just figured out what he meant in his postscript.
The note was on the front door, and I guess because Bob couldn’t find a way to tape it up, he attached it to a nail that was put there to hold wreaths and other decorations.
Here it is, verbatim:
Do you know where the marbles are and if so, would you mind if they got dirty because I would like to play with them outside. – Bob
P.S. Please put the tape in plain view (preferably on the table) next time.