Gardener’s Diary

Young James came for an overnight last night, and we had a great time. He got in a lot of outdoor activity with the little boy next door while I mulched the gardens – put down only 9 cubic feet, but that was enough to cover everything respectably.

Last weekend at the Home Show, I picked up 2 trays of purple and yellow pansies, enough for Peter’s flower boxes and mine as well.
I had to prep the flower boxes at #11 this year, since I’ve punted up to now with artificial flowers and oasis. It was a fair amount of work, but the good news is that I didn’t have to buy anything, there was plenty of topsoil, manure and peat moss in the shed.
It’s nice to see so many signs of life in all of the gardens. My little purple crocuses are almost gone by, but the tiny blue flowers are ready to bloom.
All the clean-up I should have done last Fall got punted to Spring, so for the last couple of weeks, I’ve been spending an hour or so a day raking, pruning, weeding, mulching, thinning, soil prepping and planting.
Oh, they finished the hook-up to town water at #11. I’m told there’s a big difference, and I’m glad we got it done earlier instead of later.